
Friday, November 15, 2024

Former Levi's President, Jennifer Sey Comes Out As Trump Voter, Declaring: "THE LEFT CANCELLED TOO MANY OF US"

Going into the election, I was scolded by people telling me why what I was prioritizing in my voting choice was wrong. COVID-19 is over. Boys in girls' sports isn't happening. No one is getting censored. You're getting it all wrong. Subtext: You're an idiot influenced by far-right loons, and you're a bigot to the core. What happened to you, Jen?

Here's what happened to me. I get to care about what I want to care about. And for the last 10 years, the far Left has been not only telling us what we need to care about but smearing us and canceling us if we don't agree.

We dissident former lefties have been called racists, misogynists, Nazis, grandma-killers, transphobes, bigots, and fascists and generally cast aside as unworthy of employment or membership in polite society. The election was a big middle finger to all of that.

The Left canceled too many of us.  

The outcasts spoke up and rejected the crazy on Nov. 5. Sure, we may have chosen our own brand of crazy. But, that brand of crazy knows men and women are different, boys don't belong in girls' sports, inflation is real, free speech is the most fundamental right in a democracy, and Vice President Kamala Harris was installed, not elected, as the Democratic candidate.


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