
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cartoon Brouhaha; Why Now?

Martin Kramer has some perceptive comments on the role of the Middle East regimes in the cartoon rioting. He suggests they're trying to make the Europeans toe the Arab line but Daniel Pipes has an uncompromising syndicated article taking to task the administrations of America, Britain, and New Zealand, while praising some of the European governments. Just as Europe stands up the Bush administration falters. Now, everyone all at once: just say no to Islam! Or non, nein, nr, nyet, αριθ, não, …


  1. It's not only CNN and BBC interfering in the lives of citizens who wish to exercise their right to free speech and expression: Google is now getting in on the act, as we see at Derek's site.

    Plese go to for the original post:

    Tuesday, February 07, 2006


    Some readers Islamonazis (and their sandal-licking liberal pets) have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content unapologetic criticism of Islam—and the scathing condemnation of the ideologies of Modern Liberalism—is hateful harmful because it decidedly reveals such persons for the morally and intellectually corrupt nimrods they are. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. We do, however, keep billions of people in China ignorant beneath the oppressive thumb of Communism through stringent censorship. Remember, our company motto is “Don’t Be Evil.” For more information about this message, please consult our FAQ. For more information on how not to hate a cowardly enemy that slaughters with wanton, fideistic zeal, and how to appreciate those erudite elitists who suicidally enable them, take a long walk off a short pier.

    posted by D. T. Devareaux at 11:42 AM

  2. D.T. is the man.

    Funny thing about what we do, though, is our blogs can almost instanteously morph. A new identity can be created, a few precisely targeted emails, and DT will be up and running again, with many links to provide traffic.

    Just watch.

  3. DTD, you've arrived!

    Google’s going to take sides after all … and it’s obvious that it isn’t going to be our side. What was that that Lenin said about hanging the last capitalist? Oh, yes, he’ll have sold us the rope we hang him with.

  4. too true pastorius, as this handy help file shows

  5. Derek today, us tomorrow. The point is that Derek is our Denmark. Do we support him? I do. He's front and centre and I'm trying to get the word out that Google is playing dhimmi. I urge that we all spread the word:

    Derek is our Denmark!

  6. It's good to see Pipes taking this stand after his response to National Review Online's symposium, which left me a bit disappointed. This issue leave no room for those wishing to straddle the fence.
