
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cartoon Commentary Cartoon From

I went back and forth on whether or not to post this here, as it's not really news. It is, however, one of the funniest pieces of commentary I've seen regarding "Cartoonifada 2006". It is also too good not to share. So in celebration of the weekend, I give you all this
  • Link to Zipperfish
  • .

    I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!!


    1. I think it is news. It is a summary of everything that has happened in the past few weeks vis a vis the cartoons.

      Good post.

    2. I just found this comment someone posted over at Protein Wisdom. I had to share:

      Have you ever noticed how often the Muslim claims an assualt on his visual senses? First it was requiring women to go around in sacks, then it was the offensive statues of a ‘false G-d’ and now it is cartoons.

      Do you think they would be offended if I suggested that the simplest solution would be to take their eyes? It makes about as much sense as the solutions they come up with, and has the extra added benefit of a prevention of further abuse being heaped on the poor man’s eyes.

      I think we should start an ‘eyes for allah’ fund.

    3. I almost had to change my pants...

      Who are these BLASPHEMERS?

      This needs to be beamed 24x7 into pakistan and ksa

    4. Christine, I believe that the Saudi Kingdom has a program in place of this kind, but I think we have already contributed enough to them

      Otherwise, I concur fully!

    5. Just one of those short term solutions to a long term problem. Come to think of it, removing terrorists eyeballs may help cut down on the bombings. :-)
