
Friday, February 10, 2006

Danes Seem to Finally be Aware of al-Taqiyya

Thankfully, the light continues to be shed on certain practices:

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish Prime Minister, has already angrily accused the imams of “double speak” in telling Arab media not to buy Danish goods, while insisting in the Danish media that they do not support the boycott.

Mr Rasmussen said: “Some people are speaking with two tongues. The Government watches the news circulated in Arabic countries very carefully so we can catch these false stories and correct them immediately.”

The centre-right Government said yesterday that it would exclude the imams from talks on integrating ethnic minorities. Rikke Hvilshoj, the Integration Minister, said: “I think we have a clear picture today that it’s not the imams we should be placing our trust in if we want integration in Denmark to work.”

For whole article,,,3-2031419,00.html

Episode (I've Lost Count) : A New Hope? Perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, hopes somewhat dashed after the Swedish government pulls plug on website displaying cartoons:
