
Thursday, February 09, 2006

EU And UN Move To Give Away Free Speech

Both the EU and the UN are considering banning "religious defamation."

Here's the info about the EU:

LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union may try to draw up a media code of conduct to avoid a repeat of the furor caused by the publication across Europe of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, an EU commissioner said on Thursday.

In an interview with Britain’s Daily Telegraph, EU Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini said the charter would encourage the media to show “prudence” when covering religion.

“The press will give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression,” he told the newspaper. “We can and we are ready to self-regulate that right.”

And here's the scoop on the UN:

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan scolded the media on Thursday for continuing to publish cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammad and defended an attempt by Islamic nations to have a new U.N. human-rights council address religious defamation.

Atlas comments:

Is this dhimmi living in Dar Al-Islam insisting we live there too? I have never heard Kofi Enema ever speak to the Jew hating cartoons or editorials or Christian bashing that goes on daily in the Muslim world. This hypocrite has GOT TO GO.

People, our leaders are talking about giving away our Freedom of Speech. This will include all sorts of expression.

Think about this: Writing is the way we order our thoughts. When we write we are able to construct larger ideas than we can when we just let thoughts meander in our heads. Almost anytime anyone wants to create anything, they begin by putting their thoughts down on paper.

The Freedom of Speech is not just about cartoons, it is about being able to think clearly.

We can not allow our leaders to do this to us.

Considering that religion can be among the most oppressive forces on Earth, religion above all needs to be critized. We have to have the right to criticize religion. We can not relinquish this.


  1. We cannot stand still and admire our acheivements in the realm of democracy and free public expression. Nor can we allow a retreat of even one step. I fight for Derek's site daily, not because I like his site more than any other but because he is under attack by those who would shut him down too. Not fighting for Derek, not fighting for each and every person posting whatever legal thing he chooses to post is a retreat, and the freedom of expression will recede till our place to shout freely is some mountaintop in Iceland.

    I continue to promote Derek's graphic because it is a slap in the face of censorship. It is a finger poked in the chest of the bullies. I urge all to spread his work, to fight back in this legal and peaceful way.

    There is Derek yesterday, Blueslord today, and maybe you tomorrow. No compromise. No retreat. No appeasement. Fight back with some real fury. Post and paste Derek's graphic, regardless of how you feel about the image itself. All of this is improtant not because of Derek's artistic abilities,but because if we retreat here we'll retreat there and soon we will be in a full run.

    Derek's graphic is at:

    You'll have to agree that you will look at his work, by-passing the warning Google has slapped on his site. Shame on them. Fight back.

  2. This is an outrage and might very well happen to anybody, that dares not to be political correct.

    Here is the real danger of the cartoon crisis. A limitation of freedom.

    Google has as far as I know not closed any blogs yet. But it has started warning about so called hate filled blogs. See this one: The Study of Revenge

  3. Dag, I have linked to Dereks stuff on more than one occasion already.

  4. "The Freedom of Speech is not just about cartoons, it is about being able to think clearly."

    So true.

    "Considering that religion can be among the most oppressive forces on Earth, religion above all needs to be critized. We have to have the right to criticize religion. We can not relinquish this."

    Hear, hear!

    In general, ideas are powerful. Good ideas help us grasp reality and create a civilized society. Bad ideas will blind us to reality, corrode our souls, and create monstrous societies. To exempt any idea for critical scrutiny, a priori, is the most dangerous course of action any society can take.

  5. I have heard the term 'responsible reporting' too many times coming from people who should certainly know better.

    I can't think of a more responsible purpose of a news agency than to expose the viciousness and intolerance of a insular group living in our midst. That is news of a most signficant nature and it's reporting is more than responsible - it is requisite to the preservation of our guaranteed freedoms.

    Freedom of Expression is a primary right in western civilization and is not to be bargained away to appease an asocial element of our neighbourhoods.

    I am also wondering about the source of the phrase "Islam, The religion of Peace"? Where does that come from? It certainly doesn't originate in the Koran. Mohammad uses peace as an expedient of delay to marshall forces to overpower by violence the infidels.

    I am disgusted that so many US news reporting agencies have refused to print the cartoons 'out of respect for Islam'. Where is their respect for the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

    Islam is NOT The Religion of Peace and it certainley is not The Religion of Tolerance.

    CD 'Bar' Baric

  6. Yes, quite true, CD.

    Few are taking note of the fact that the cartoons are true. I ask: what can be more reponsible than speaking the truth?

  7. Thanks for that Constantine.


    I would also love to know where that phrase came from.

  8. Thanks, Pastorius, for all of your efforts in this regard, which all of us appreciate here.

    I suggest that we do not appease, that we do not sit passively, that we do not merely argue, that we do not simply protest: I argue that we push so hard that the rotten carcass of Islam fals by the wayside for the roaches to feast on till there's nothing left but the dry bones of it.

    No compromise. Only fighting til there are no more believers in the fascist poliigion. Push, shove, ram Islam till it falls down and is no more. No moderation, not temper, no decency in this struggle. Muslims cut off people's heads with kitchen knives. The stab children to death. The blow up diners and busses. They kill people at random. They are a madness and a menace. Nothing is too hard in the struggle to destroy Islam.

    Caroon? If that helps the cause, then many cartoons everywhere all the time.

    Mohammed was a theif and a rapist and akiller. His followers are scum. We send out cartoons. Then let's do it right. Send out ten today, and ten more tomorrow, and never stop till Muslims are buried in cartoons.

  9. Eb, etc.

    I am a Christian, and this site is called Christians United Against the New Anti-Semitism. (CUANAS)

    I abhor cartoons which make fun of Christ, and cartoon that make fun of Jews. However, I defend peoples right to create such cartoons, and their right to publish them.

    It's called Freedom of Speech.

    Did you not read my argument?
