
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Future Victims of Sharia?

Due to the comments on my last post on sharia, I decided to find a few links regarding the fates that hang currently in the balance in Iran. Keep in mind that they follow the death by hanging quite recently of several teenage girls and women. Following are two addresses for sites that include petitions as well as the latest news that I could find on the case of Nazanin (above), now 18, who fended off her would be attackers from herself and her younger niece. She used a knife and one of the attackers died later of his wounds. Despite her testimony that she acted in self-defense, she has been sentenced for this "crime" to be hanged.

Nazanin's (she has been identified only by her first name) "crime" occurred but a year after the brutal execution, also in Iran, of 16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi, who was hanged by the judge himself for what amounted to the crime of sexual relations with her boyfriend. Other reports suggest that Atefeh, a bold and independent girl, was killed for refusing the advances of the judge who hanged her and left her body for public view for approximately 45 minutes. Others report that she yelled "repentance" as she was being dragged to her execution, which under "normal sharia rules", whatever those really are, should have earned her a stay of execution.
A symposium from Front Page Magazine with Atafeh's "mug shot", in which you can see her defiant attitude, is here:

As suggested by Always On Watch's comment, we SHOULD be screaming about this, in my opinion. I have personally read of many more of these cases, but this post would go on forever.


  1. Islam is not the "religion of peace" that many are led to believe since 9/11. It appears that it is more of a "religion of violence" and the peaceful Muslims are a very small minority.

    Your blog actually proves that.

  2. Pim's Ghost, yes this is so very important. All in the world must know. It is inhuman and paints the true horror picture of Islamofascism.

    Let us all find examples of these horrendous examples.

    Here is one more:

    There are more here:
