
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Has the Mainstream Media Been Misleading Us?

(Updated 2/9/06):

An Egyptian weblog (Egyptian Sandmonkey) reports that Al Faqr, an Egyptian newspaper, published the Mohammed cartoons last October, at the height of Ramadan.

There were no protests! (This would seem quite strange, if, as most of the American media would have us believe, showing images of Mohammed is so completely forbidden by Islam).

One can't help wondering why most of the media is publishing this misleading information (i.e.the falsehood that images of Mohammed are, and have always been, totally forbidden-- and that making them is such a grave insult to all Moslems).

Either the media is deliberately distorting the truth by following the dictates of "political correctness" (and letting themselves be conned by Islamic spokesmen) -- or it is a result of a lack of adequate fact checking (not the first time that this has happened in recent months). Regardless of the reason, the media reporting is misleading, and actually supporting the goals of the radical imams.

In any case, the public was mislead. Its no wonder that, more and more, people are looking to weblogs for news, and turning away from mainstream newspapers & TV.

Along with misleading reporting from the media, further evidence of some rather deceptive behaviour by radical Danish imams is emerging:

Hyscience weblog reports:

As Egyptian Sandmonkey suggests, and as evidenced by information in our previous post (and accompanying links) and elsewhere, the violent outrage exhibited by Muslims worldwide has been orchestrated initially by Danish jihadist imams who presented themselves as moderates to the non-Islamic world, while preaching and instigating jihad and violence to the Muslim world. The violent Muslim reaction was subsequently fueled by Arab islamic governments for their own political purposes.

In other words, we've been had, and the American media bought it all - hook, "lying," and sinker!!! (more here)

See also: "Forbidden" Images of Mohammed - Merely a Big Hoax?

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1 comment:

  1. I have posted this. This is VERY important. Shows the lack of real connection between the cartoons and the rage in Islamic world.
