
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Infidel Babe Of The Week

Pamela, of Atlas Shrugs. She is the blogosphere's equivalent of that Pam Anderson poster everybody has. Just the idea of wrapping this babe in a burqa is a friggin' abomination. I have a feeling, though, that if any dumb Islamofascist ever tried it, he'd be wrapped in pigskin quicker than you can say Ayn Rand.


  1. Why? Do you look like Pim Fortuyn?

    Don't feel bad, I'll never be Infidel Babe of the Week either.


  2. Being a guy, I would be a bit depressed if I got Infidel - babe - of the week, but Pamela most certainly deserves it!

  3. Funny thing, though, Mark, Pim's Ghost is a chick. For whatever reason, she is convinced we wouldn't think she is babe material.

    Just watch, one day we'll meet her and find she looks like Angelina Jolie, or something.

  4. By the way, Pim's Ghost, exactly what was Pim trying to tell us in that photograph?

  5. Actually, for that one I'll have to ask my friend over at I'm not sure of the original setting of this pic of Pim. But I don't look like him in reality, oddly enough!! I like this pic because he is obviously reacting. It works.

  6. I may be a Wraith but I'm still a man - Pamela is a smokin' hottie. Thanks for the photo.

  7. She is especially hot because she is on the right side.
