
Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Mohammed Cartoon Contest

Draw cartoons, or artistic depictions of Mohammed, and submit them to us here, by leaving a link in the comments section.

You don't need to be mean, or pornographic. Just draw good ole Mo in everyday situations, like standing in line at Wal-Mart, or whatever comes to your mind.

Remember, Jihadis get angry at images of Piglet, so we don't need to be extreme. The goal here is to show how many Muslims will get very angry at silly stuff.

(In many ways, the crazed reaction to silly cartoons has been a valuable lesson in the reality of Islamofascism for those of us here in the Western world.)

Therefore, think about it this way, the more artistic, the cuter, or sillier, the drawing of Mohammed, the better.

If you are doing something more hardcore, I believe my man Dag at No Dhimmitude would be more than happy to take your submissions. Dag's blog is getting huge traffic because of his approach.

The contest will be judged by Pamela at Atlas Shrugs (yes, the hot chick who is Infidel Babe of the Week), and Baron and Dymphna of Gates of Vienna.

The winner will receive the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Golden Balls Award. Now, let's be clear, this is a pseudo-Award (in other words, it doesn't really exist), just an image of the Golden Balls Trophy posted here at IBA, but, as you know, it is a very prestigious pseudo-Award. ;-)

All submissions must be received by midnight 2-11-06. The Winner will be announced on 2-18-06. Let's party like only Infidels can party.


  1. Somewhat related-- Michelle Malkin has really been focusing on the cartoon story-- [lots of really good coverage daily.] She recently started a Mohammed cartoon "blogburst" [for the original Jyllands-Posten cartoons, not the other more "creative" ones:

    By Michelle Malkin · February 03, 2006 12:03 PM
    Blogger E.L. Core e-mailed me with an excellent idea for a Muhammad Cartoons "Blogburst":

    Hi, Michelle. I'm sure I'm not the only small-time blogger who decided to post the cartoons. I actually came out of an indefinite blog suspension just to do that. Maybe you could invite other bloggers to send you a link to their cartoon blog entry, and we could all start linking to them?

    Ok. Let's do it. If you've posted some or all of the forbidden Muhammad cartoons on your blog in support of Denmark and the Jyllands-Posten, send a track back or e-mail me your link. It'll actually be a very useful road map for the enormous number of Internet users around the world who are trying to find the cartoons (just check Technorati and you'll see what I'm talking about). I'll get started with a few right now and keep adding as many links to this list as humanly possible: <

  2. Buy Danish Goods, Support Freedom Of Expression!

  3. Has anyone see the mention of our Mohammed Cartoon Contest on Little Green Footballs? 8-)

  4. If you recieve this comment directly I'd like you to look into it originating a flood of hits at my site. I think this is a denial of service attempt. Thanks. Dag.

  5. Is there a limit to how many times I can enter? Cause I'll submit all 8 of my cartoons. Then I'll have the Golden Balls Award framed. I'll hang it over my fireplace.

  6. I just got a comic strip rejected from my college paper... in fact, I'm quitting the paper entirely over this... for drawing Mohammed. Actually, I was trying to slyly draw a picture of a picture of Mohammed, but they caved in to fear of violence anyway...

  7. You'll probably have both the Moslems on your butt and lawyers from Disney, too, for 'borrowing' their copyright on Piglet.

    I don't know which is scarier.

  8. Naah, Disney's not stupid enough to go after what's obviously satire.

    Besides, it'd only drive up the page hits.

  9. I take it Photoshops of other cartoons might be acceptable? I've not talent of my own but I can Photoshop moderately well.


  10. Oh man, I am cracking up at the submissions.

    Thomas, I don't think we can count your submissions because you are an official Infidel. I guess that's up to Pamela, since she is a disinterested party.

    Submit and let's see.

    Yes, photoshops of other cartoons are more than welcome.

  11. Well, Pastorius explained to me that I'm swamped with visitors simply because I'm so pretty. Who'da thunk it? And after nearly a year of writing essays on German philosophy I finally get loved because of cartoons! Love me anyway, I'll take what I can get.

  12. Bloggers are covering the Mohamed Cartoon violence while the MSM plays "hide the hot potato" with singed oven mitts.

    While the MSM naps with one eye open and holds back from really covering this story, the new media is doing their job and building more and more go to value for people who want to learn the "news of the day"...................

  13. Helmy (Heinie Lootin' Mo!)-

  14. Still fishing for my fatwa:

    Allah's Toes

    Yeah, it isn't Big Mo. So?

  15. Ok I made one. Where am I supposed to submit it to? Here it is (in case THIS is the place I'm supposed to submit it;) )

  16. ReteCool, that's 'ReallyCool' in Dutch, is also having a Mohammed Cartoon Contest at
    F**k Vrijdag

  17. i ll give you a link that is not so funny. Go to That is the largest christian temple in constantinople which is occupied from muslim turks. You will notice that the Muslim icons have beenb positioned in front of Jesus Christ's picture. Of course this is not funny but an example of how muslims 'respect' other religionsa

  18. A lot of work and thought went into this cartoon, so please treat it with respect.

  19. Wow Chris Mantas, and that's only been since, 1453... Good your catching on. Oh. And they've gradually been restored since 1932.

  20. Islamic Joke contest, along with the Mr. Been Prize for best essay on :

    "Humor in the New Testament and the Koran"

    Charles Martel

  21. What a GREAT idea!

    Do Poems count?

    On top of Mohaaa-med,
    All covered in blood.
    I found out that Islam,
    Is nothing but crud.

    I don't think I'll con-vert
    I think I'll stay free.
    And hope that God will take
    a poor Jew like me.

    (with apologies to "On Top Of Old Smokey" .... I don't want to offend you know....)



  23. For really delightfully offensive anti-Muslim cartoons, go to this site: It's in Dutch, the images need no translation.

  24. Mo with dog playing frisbee.

    I've always wanted an award called "The Golden Balls"...

  25. New Mohammad Clown Cone Announced by Baskin Robins!

  26. Here are some images of good ole MO:

  27. This Danish blog site is called The Amazing Mohammed Photoshop Contest:

    For one that makes fun of Christianity, look here:


  29. Who do YOU think this is?
    (no copyright, distribute as you please)

  30. I have been doing Muslim cartoons at I think they are probably more suited for Dag's blog. However, I will try to draw a more sedate one for you for the contest.


  31. Isn’t the idea to do Muhammad but be a bit cute with the whole thing? Some of these seem to miss the point. The teletubbies and the dot-to-dot are the best so far IMHO.


    i nominate Jack chick for this award.

  33. http://www.quickrob.coom/weblog/mo_gilmore.gif

    Theres my best, errr..worst.

    Im not sure where else to submit it...


  35. Like a dumbass I put the URL in wrong, so here we go again: here we go...again!

  36. Here is my submission. I drew it myself using a drawing program. Mohammed as a surfin' dude!
    Hope you can see it.

  37. Is there are forum where real artist can submit paintings, sculptures, etc. of the prophet? I think a better idea would be to demonstrate how beautful a depiction of their prophet can be.

  38. I would like to submit this one:

    Koran Tunes

    I also have four other photoshopped images that are of a more "hardcore" nature. I'll let the owner of this blog decide whether include these in the competition.

    1) The truth at Mecca
    2) Ein Volk, Ein Ummah, Ein Muhammad
    3) Muhammad and the Camel
    4) How many brain cells?

    Click here for the above

  39. Here's mine

  40. Theres also a bit of stuff and lits of links on the cartoons on Big News

  41. Here's my contribution.

  42. Mine:

  43. Mine: What would Mohammed drive?

  44. Here's my favorite (but I'm biased):

  45. well i think whoever is makin these pics of mohammad the messenger will die n suffer in hell so i hope all u out there that r doin this have a bad life cuz u dont kno nuttin about him or hows he looks n u have no resect.

  46. Our friend Derek has a warning placed on his blog by Google.

    Derek posted an editorial graphic of Mohammed.

    Now Derek's site is under a warning.

    I am outraged.

    Please support Derek and all others who exercise their right and your right to free speech.

    Derek is our Denmark.

  47. Hey guys, I started my own blog. It is rightwingrockandrant. It will feature political commentary, cartoons and rock and roll!

    My entry into the cartoon contest is

    Or visit my blog to see the pic.

  48. In solidarity with the Danish freedom to depict whoever they wish however they wish, here is my entry into this contest. The aroused Muhammed emoticon:

    @>:?/| : ^3=B

    I will leave it up to your visual interpretaion except to quip, "Not very well endowed is he?"

    Description by the artist:
    In this emoticon he is angry with his new young bride or concubine because he had to go to the trouble of butchering her entire family and tribe before she would "lay with" him. This righteous anger excites him.

    Because of the antiquity of this emoticon, and Muhammeds propensity for slaughter followed by rape, historians are not quite sure which of the many similar sexual conquests this depicts.

  49. hey ppl, have a look also on my blog, if you want a link plz lemme know. It is about politics. I am socialdemocrat and i support Denmark and the fight for freedom on the muslim occupied world. My blog is Also i call you to visit and sign the petition and to remind you how muslims are 'respecting' other religions. It about the muslim occupied and vandalised church of St.Sophia that is the largest christian temple and is been turned in mosque and then in museum of muslim artfacts.

  50. I am going to make another submission:

    Muhammad Jackson & Aisha

    See the rest of my cartoons here:


  51. While my work is nowhere near the calibre of Patriotic Kiwi's, my entry is at my blog
    Armed & Christian.

  52. Here's my tribute to the Prophet of the Religion of Peace:

  53. I got your Mohammed riiiiiight here!

  54. Can't spell Mohammed without H-A-M.

    Posted on my blog here:

  55. Dear Muslims, Christians, etc.,
    I'm an atheist and it is my hard-conquered right not to give a shit about any prophet or religion. Now could you please stop all the shouting and go home because my ears hurt? Thanks!

  56. Dear Atheist,
    Your right to Free Speech is being fought for as well. Or, does being an atheist mean that you don't care about anything?

  57. Dear pastorius - I think Athist meant the muslim riots not the action here.

  58. Really Diana? Then, why did he address it to Christians and Muslims?

    You must understand.

  59. Just clarifying my previous comment here... being an atheist means that I care about everything except religion. Now, Diana is right, indeed I did mean that the Muslims should stop shouting & burning stuff and go back inside because it's annoying. Nevertheless, the Christians should also chill because they don't realise that it's not Islam per se that is at fault here but the Jihadi provocateurs that stirred up the crowd, subsequently stirring up western reactions.


  61. Thanks for clarifying anonymous atheist.

    Have you ever read the Koran?

  62. Hi, here is my submittion:

  63. my submissions

  64. Muslims' 'Paradise' is nothing but a brothel of 'comfort women' for mad Jihadists!

  65. I have a cartoon half-drawn that I intended to submit before the deadline last weekend, but I made the backdrop much too complicated and procrastinated on colouring it all in.

    In the spirit of the award though, I whipped up this Valentine's Day photoshop using the Mohammed Bomb cartoon and a heart from Sailor Moon.


  67. Guys, you can send jokes with Mo to

  68. Here's my Motoon. I call it "Mogun"!


  69. Are there any differences between any religious?
    Of course there, you have to see who is practicing.

    Moses was almost killed by his own followers?
    Jesus was crucified by his own people? Wasn't the lord Son of GOD, so we all are his people.
    Mohmmad was prosecuted with his people?

    What did they have in common? They all asked followers to do a good deeds, words and thoughts.

    Why every single religious have so many branches?

    Why do we like to prosecute other religious followers?

    Do Muslims call their God Allah? Do Christians Call their god GOD?
    So what do Christians who live in Arab countries and speak Arabic call the GODS?
    What Muslims call their GOD in other countries that are their language is not Arabic?

    Are these GODs different? Or do we like to say they are not the same? If we all are good believers of GOD so why there is Judgment day?

    Why Jews called our LORAD Jesus MESSIAH? Why Muslims call Jesus MESSIAH? Why KORAN calles Jews and Christians MUSLIAMS and people of books? Why don’t we follow Old Testament rules?

    Why did we prosecuted Jews and try to clean the earth from them? Why Jesus never denied being a JEW?

    These apply to few small groups of people and other week groups of people like you and I would follow their foot steps and try to imitate and mimic, hence, we do not wish to look inferior.

    We like to look superior to others. To be able to achieve this goal we, as human, will use any tools and don’t like to be stopped by anything. We will try to criticize languages, cultures, believes, colors and anything that can differ us from the other human beings.

    Yes that is why we during the 1700 to 1900 killed Thousands of Thousands AFRICANs cause they were savages, we destroy the Maya civilization, over three million people in one instance. We killed over three million Jews just in Europe only during 1938-1945, never mind that in medieval time.

    Do all Muslims really hate us? Or there are some lunatics like everywhere else, want to get attention and power and don’t care about human race? Why do we like to say MUSLIAMS were happy when 9-11 happened? Wasn’t because TV told us that? Who really benefited from 9-11?

    Timothy MacWay, with Six decorations and Medals blow up the government building and killed many kids and women in Oklahoma city in the name of Jesus.

    Do we really want to live in a homogenous society? The answer is simply is no, if you really looking for an answer just read the posts befores mine or just simply turn on the TV and watch the news at Six.

    The message is very simple, as Churchill has said “to be able to rule cause conflicts between nations”


  70. Great Blog, infidel babe is delightful, please visit our forum & suport England :)

  71. Hi,

    I have find a Muhamed cartoon that not is on your site.

    Very funny too.

    Please publish for other surfers. Here you have link under.


    I like you website very much.



  72. In response to the recent acts of violence by Islamic extremists because of a cartoon, this American has produced a demonstration of the right to free speech where the Koran, the Bible, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and United States flag are destroyed by fire.

    I have sent this video to various emails within the governments of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Pakistan and to various Muslim associations within and without the United States.

    To view the video rightclick on and save target to desktop.

    If you agree with the views expressed in this video, perhaps you might forward it to anyone who you think should see it.

    I would appreciate your comments as well.

    Louis William Rose

    6753 Orkney Road
    Jacksonville, FL 32211

    904 744 6846 (Home)

  73. Have you seen the following website?

    It includes over 500 cartoons (mostly photograph manipulations) which are nowhere else on internet. Aside the usual crap, there are excellent and very original ones (all styles). And you can load anonymously your own cartoons. A MUST SEE...
    You will not be disappointed.

  74. Here's one of me running the london marathon!

  75. Bonjour,

    Désolé d'écrire en Français.

    Pourriez-vous nous fournir des armes afin que nous puissions tuer et chasser les musulmans vivant en France ?

    Merci d'y penser.


  76. What else you'd expect of an infidel to pursue.

    Great thing is, they only fool themselves and no one else. Making so much effort and wasting their time to prove what.

    Even a better infidel would have a better sense of their time management, since they know the time they have in this world in this life is their only time with somewhat freedom (of expression, thought and faith), so why waste time pursuing a lost cause. Making fun would do no damage, but only to make Islam and prophet mohammad more popular, even arousing curiosity among masses to find out and discover who Prophet Mohammad really was, and to reach out to read Koran and Hadith( words of prophet Mohammad) themselves, and dsicover the whole truth on their own. Even if one person is brought to truth through this effort, its worth it, keep working hard.

    Who's winning here? The infidels?

  77. when you wanna know about Islam ,Ask Muslims not anyone else

  78. die assholes die. may you all die and meet your momma bitching in hell..
