
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Interesting Times: Watching Our World Catch Fire

God, the news is sickening today.

Iran's President Ahmadinejad is going to Cuba. What do you think they will discuss?

A Northwestern Professor has denied the Holocaust in Iranian and American papers, but Northwestern University plans to do nothing about it.

Muslim hackers have taken down almost 600 Danish websites in response to the Jyllands-Posten cartoons.

Well, actually, not all the news is sickening. Some of it is just funny.

For instance, scientists are now predicting a mini-Ice Age. What the hell happened to Global Warming? Those guys have got to get their story straight, huh?



  1. i remember a few years back we were all told that global warming was caused by a hole in the ozone, which was letting in the "spicy hot rays" that caused global warming.

    Now we're supposedly causing it by burning too much fossil fuels.

    so 2 questions,

    which is it, the hole or the greenhouse gasses


    what's happened to the hole?

    oh yeah, and i hate it when these gov paid "scientists" go on tv and tell us how the earth hasn't warmed up like this for ... million years.
    So wouldn't that mean global warming had happened when there we're no SUV's, and were no people burning fossil fuels?

    Anyway, im all for this global warming, you wouldn't believe how frickin cold it gets over here. THE SOONER THE BETTER ;)

  2. Don’t know whether to put on a cardigan, heavy coat and turn up the thermostat or shed down to my speedo and crank up the air conditioning. We’ve been hearing about global warming and dire predictions since the early 80s. Now a Russian scientist is predicting a "mini Ice Age".

    Perhaps global warming and the mini Ice Age will just cancel each other out and everything will stay normal. If that happens environmentalists will have to come up with something else to scare people. Oh the humanity!

    What will Algore have to say about this? Personally I think man's guess is as good as a ground hog's when it comes to predicting future climate patterns.

  3. Chat about the weather and Islam.

    For those interested and willing to go a step further than now and to actually sit down with people on the streets who are disaffected and disorganised, we are having our third Blue Scraf meeting at McDonald's Thursday evening from 7-9 pm.

    The point of these meetings is to create a "town hall" environment where all can come to join in and discuss the nature of their neighbourhoods regarding the threat of fascist Islam.

    People around the world are disgusted, and this is our chance to meet others who might otherwise feel that nothing can be done. Something can be done, and you can do it: you can sit and meet others who feel the same way you do about Islam

    We meet at McDonald's because it's always central, alway open, always close by. We wear blue scarves, at least for now, to identify ourselves to those who wish to meet us. So far we've met twice and our numbers are growing.

    If you wish to meet your neighbours to just sit and chat, then leave a place at the blue scarf thread at nodhimmitude.
