
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Kibbutz Carmiyah hit by Kassam rockets, knifer commits murder on a bus

The Hamas is continuing to show its true colors. They fired at Carmiyah, and a family of four were injured, including an infant:
Four members of the Amar family were wounded in the attack, including their seven-month-old son Osher. The infant sustained a head wound when thrown from his crib by the blast. Initially, he was listed in serious condition, but later improved to "moderate to light" after he he regained consciousness and doctors managed to absorb all of his cranial bleeding, Israel Radio reported.

The family was sitting inside their caravilla when the rocket fell outside their home. The combination of the home's thin cardboard walls, and the force of the rocket that was packed with explosives and shrapnel caused extensive damage to the home.
While the army may have responded, I doubt they're going to make any serious effort, as it takes more than just airplane raids to deal with the scum on the ground. The infant is lucky to have survived and is now recuperating.

Today, there was also a terrorist attack by a knifer who murdered a woman on a minibus in Petah Tikva and injured five other people:
A 53-year-old woman is dead in Petah Tikvah, after a Palestinian terrorist stabbed her and several others in a minibus. Five people are wounded, four in serious condition.


The murderer has not yet been publicly identified, but police say he is from eastern Jerusalem. He boarded a Route 51 minibus on Jabotinsky St., a main thoroughfare connecting Petah Tikvah and Ramat Gan, shortly after 9:30 AM. He suddenly drew a knife and began stabbing passengers.

The precise order of events is not yet clear, but he continued swinging his knife on the street until he was overcome by two passers-by. As one man pointed a gun at him, another hero smashed the terrorist in the legs with a board, causing him to fall. A policeman then came and arrested the terrorist.

"I saw him just start slaughtering people," one eyewitness said.
If the murderer is from eastern Jerusalem, that shows that there are indeed terrorists working there.

Most atrocious about this is that acting "prime minister" Ehud Olmert may indeed transfer money to the PLO when it's not deserving of it, and the Hamas may end up using that money to finance more terrorism as well.

Cross-posted to Tel-Chai Nation.

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