
Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Kill Those Who Insult The Prophet" : More On The Mohammed Cartoons

All cartoons, all the time.

Drudge Report posted the cartoons this morning. God bless Matt Drudge.

Little Green Footballs has some good stuff about Europe's knocking knees, and the reaction in the Islamic world.

Dinah Lord says the guy who owns the French paper that pussed out is an Egyptian.

Hmm. Is he Muslim?

British Muslims are calling on all their fellows to kill those who "insult the prophet."

Just to be clear, that means us bloggers here at IBA, and it means all of you who laugh at our cartoons.


  1. He's a copt christian or Catholic. I think Catholic. He is controversial. If you google blog search, there is a lot out there. I suspect he did this to avoid Muslim wrath, which is zero surprise. That French paper is on its last legs. Less than 100,000 daily circulation and bleeding money.

  2. If what you say is true, then I probably lit into them a little too hard yesterday.

  3. It's too bad, if he were in almost any other Western country that probably would have scored him more subscribers!
