
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Last news I have gathered

Violent demonstrators in Turkey. Erdogan says that "freedom of expression is just cultural arrogance".
Some other consequences of the cartoons. -I think no one has written about these items...-
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  1. "freedom of expression is just cultural arrogance".

    And suppression of freedom is _____________?

  2. Asked yesterday what the group would do if banned, Anjem Choudary, Bakri’s right-hand man, said: “It may push a lot of people underground, and that is something the government should be concerned about.”

    And having them above ground is suppression of freedom.

  3. Good post, Blueslord.

    AOW, gee, they might go underground. As if all their real planning isn't underground already.

    Anyway, conspiring to implement Sharia in any country in the world, ought to be arrested and put in jail for the rest of their life, because Sharia is a violation of Human Rights. Therefore, advocating for Sharia is advocating for the overthrow of decent government. In other words, it is a form of Treason.

    That's it. We've got to start standing up for what we believe in.

  4. Indeed.

    I found this case of another European cartoonist in hiding and being honored with death threats. This without drawing Mohammed.

  5. VS,
    That's quite a link. Wow! The erroneous perception of being offended has now resulted in threats? Had to happen, of course.

  6. always on watch,
    Scary stuff - isn't it? One can try to speculate on the future.

    Expressing anything as negative on Muslims will be forbidden. Also expressing anything that may be perceived as negative will be forbidden. I wonder if it will be forbidden not no express something positive. Further. Will it be frowned upon to express something that might be perceived as positive? Is there not then a risk it might be perceived negatively?

    I am going to need an expert in political correctness.

    I wonder if people who are into PC go through this kind of rationalisation every time before expressing anything. Is this why everything the say is BS?

  7. sorry, should be

    "why everything THEY say is BS?"
