
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Muslim Canadian Congress actually admits it

From the Globe and Mail:
“The protests in the Middle East have proven that the cartoonist was right,” said Tarek Fatah, a director of the Muslim Canadian Congress.

“It's falling straight into that trap of being depicted as a violent people and proving the point that, yes, we are.”
Simply amazing. A Muslim representative has actually admitted that the rising incitement over the political cartoons from Denmark only helps prove the point of those who feel that Islam is a religion of war and violence.

Hat tip: Lost Budgie Blog.

Cross-posted to Tel-Chai Nation.


  1. I agree. That was very bold and honest of him.

  2. Nice to hear the words, but the odds of it dissuading any of the millions of fanatics from planning violence is nil.

  3. Now if we can only get the msm to carry this admission.

  4. Agreed jmj. It is good to see some light bulbs going off.
