
Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Muslim Outrage, Cartoons, and CAIR

I didn't pay much attention to the flap over the Danish cartoons when the story first appeared in December. But after seeing yesterday's article in the Washington Post, I just had to post on it, especially when CAIR jumped aboard the bandwagon yesterday.

Maybe the cartoons are insulting. Lots of things offend lots of people. But suppression of freedom of the press and freedom of speech is even more offensive. Beyond offensive! If those ideals are compromised, we will see the fall of Western civilization.

You can read my entire article here.


  1. Time to write to CAIR again. If Ibrahim Hooper is ever spotted fleeing the scene of a little woman who doesn't really look like Pim Fortuyn, please avenge me.

    Very well said Always!! Send CAIR the link!! And remember, no more SCAIR tactics!!

  2. Notice also on CAIR's site ( their bragging about getting a PBS documentary pulled in Texas for being "biased".

    More SCAIR tactics, but they act locally so frequently that they can stay under the radar. We need to stay on top of EVERY action like this that is taken, no matter how far from ourselves.

  3. Pim's Ghost,
    You have a good article on your site--about CAIR's going after bloggers, I think. Why don't you post a link here and at my site? I ran out of time this morning, or I'd also have included a link to your article.

    CAIR knows how to work American freedoms against us infidels. In fact, I think that some of their members have so bragged.

    Go get 'em, Pim's Ghost!

  4. Our constitution never guaranteed you would never be offended.

  5. You know me Always!! Post a link?? I'm still stuggling to stay online!! HAA!! But thanks for the compliment!!

  6. Pim's Ghost. Right click, and copy, then come here to comments, right click and paste.

    You'll learn. I'll post it.

  7. Haha, I got you again. My mouse doesn't "right click", it just clicks. Should I just change my pic to a pic of my old Apple IIc? I do still have one, and it would be appropriate....HAHAH!!!
