
Friday, February 03, 2006

Muslims Protest In UK: "Europe, Your 9/11 Will Come"

Carrying signs that say "Massacre those who insult Islam," they show us the true colors of the "Religion of Peace." From Little Green Footballs:

Hundreds of Muslims have staged angry protests in London following the publication of cartoons satirising the prophet Mohammed.

Scores waved placards bearing angry messages, one declaring: “Behead the one who insults the prophet”. Others said: “Free speech go to hell” and “Europe: Your 9/11 will come”.

Let's face it, everybody. It's not about cartoons. It's not about us "insulting Islam." This is about idolatry.

As Always On Watch noted in a post below:

"The Quran does not specifically address artwork of Muhammad ...

... the ban has been virtually universal in all branches of the faith from its earliest days. Some Muslims oppose any art that depicts humans, and Muslims have tended to specialize in nature paintings, decorative arts and calligraphy. Some were wary of photography, too.

Artistic depictions of Mohammed are especially hated, but THEY HATE ALL ART WHICH PORTRAYS HUMAN BEINGS. This is why the Taliban blew up the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan.

Read the passage from AOW clearly. Muslim art specializes (not tends to specialize, but SPECIALIZES) in "nature paintings, and decorative arts."

This is why mosaic is big in Muslim countries. Because Mosaic can be beautiful, without depicting human beings. Rugs also are an artform to Muslims.

The truth is, Muslims create beautiful mosaics and rugs, but we, in the West, can hardly be expected to limit ourselves to their bizarre palette.

By the way, Muslim music is not allowed to contain any instrument but drums. The Muslim world robbed us of a great artist in Cat Stevens. The man wrote beautiful melodies and created warm, organic music with wondrously-recorded acoustic guitar. But, alas, no more.

Ask yourself, why you never see Cat Stevens touring in Western countries anymore. The answer is, because his palette is so limited by Islamic strictures that it renders his music unlistenable. You wouldn't pay to hear it.

The truth is, while there may be a point to the idea that we are "insulting Islam", and being rude (but, not violating our inalienable right to Freedom of Speech), the truth is, ultimately,


if they strictly ascribe to the rules of Islam.

Therefore, this fight is as righteous as it gets.


  1. Who knew we'd get to all follow in the footsteps of Serrano's "Piss Christ"? Now we can all create fun and blasphemous "art"!! Ahh, the things I have in store for the quran....

    Are you guys watching the AP wires on this stuff? The ummah is losing it!!
