
Thursday, February 16, 2006

NYC's "Islamic Thinker's Society" Warns That Our Days Are Numbered

This from:

NYC Muslim Group Warns U.S.: 'Your Days are Numbered'
By Erick Stakelbeck
Washington Terror Analyst – NEW YORK CITY - So far, the violent riots that have erupted throughout the Muslim world over the Mohammed cartoons have not been repeated here in the U.S.

But yesterday in New York City, one radical Islamic group was preaching a message that is anything but peaceful.

It wasn't Pakistan or Gaza. It was Manhattan's east side.The group calls itself the Islamic Thinker's Society—ITS, for short. The purpose of the demonstration was to condemn the now infamous cartoons.

But there was another message as well: that Islam will one day dominate the world.

One ITS member said, “We are here to tell you that there is nothing you can do--and that your days are numbered...all of you who disbelieve: speak good, or Allah will silence you.”

The protest began in front of the Danish Consulate. ITS members stomped on Danish flags and warned Denmark that it would suffer "Allah's wrath." The group then moved to the German Consulate, where they trampled on German and Israeli flags--and called non-Muslims "scum."

All of this took place under the watchful eye of the NYPD. Onlookers we spoke to were outraged.

“Some people have evolved and matured and become civilized human beings, but they obviously haven't. And unfortunately we're supporting them and protecting them, too,” One NYC resident said.

Members of the ITS declined to be interviewed for this story. But off-camera, their leader told CBN News that the group consists of mostly college students who live in New York City.

The Internet journal has reported that ITS is linked to al-Muhajiroun, a notorious British Islamist group that disbanded in 2004.

That group's former leader--Abu Hamza al-Masri--was convicted in a British court earlier this month of incitement to murder, among other offenses. ITS members deny any connection to al-Muhajiroun, but the black flag flown at ITS rallies--and its goal of a worldwide Islamic state--are identical to those of al-Muhajiroun.

Although this event lacked the violence that has been so prevalent in cartoon protests throughout the Muslim world, the message was eerily similar: America and Europe, your days are numbered.


Huh, who knew? And here the plot thickens....they have a quite informative website from which you can download the video of the whole event!
Check out their page
  • here

  • Now they are also responding on this page to regarding their rights to demonstrate. Just a heads up, turn your speakers down if you don't want to be blasted by arabic. I think they are calling us to prayer as well as warning that if you "vote kaafir you are kaafir". Have fun, fellow infidels!!


    1. They know that any violence here will be met with violence.

    2. I feel compelled by fear and shame to repeat this letter here:

      I'll post this here first before breaking this heart breaking news elsewhere.

      I apologise to all Muslims for the recent Qur'an burnings in and around Vancouver, Canada. There have been a number of secret meetings in the city and environs during which people have burnt Qur'ans.

      I find this deplorable, and I am sorry to write that it happened at all. I urge all concerned to stop burning Qur'ans. The planned Qur'an burning should not take place. Those in Burnaby, Surrey, and White Rock who burned Qur'ans have already received copies of this plea, and I hope those in North Vancouver and Haney will also receive them soon.

      I understand that those who meet to burn Qur'ans in New West Minster are refusing to cease their activities. This is shameful. Please, do not continue this activity.

      The Qur'an burnings planned for tomorrow evening in the above mentioned cities should not take place.

      Those who are expressing a wilingness to join this activity in such places as Prince George and Penticton should consider the depths of feeling this will provoke in our Muslim communities, and simple prudence should encourage them to cease all such considerations immediately.

      I ask that all concerned forward this notice to people who might be similarly concerned. I think it's high time that we inform our Muslim friends that even though there are dozens of Qur'an burnings going on in Vancouver weekly that it represents only a small minorty of extremists, not the vast majority of peaceful citizens here who know that Islam is a religion of peace.

      If you are so inclined, please forward this missive to those Muslims who might consider it seriously. I do hope they forgive me and even those people in this area who continue to burn the Holy Qur'an even though I am pleading with them to stop.

      Thank you, Dag.

    3. eyes, that's the real question.....Dag, keep it up. As for me I'm just trying to use their Warning! Voting for Kaafir....will make you....KAAFIR! graphic. It's priceless!! That will be my new computer skill of the day. Stealing and using this graphic.

      But this whole site is really an interesting little gem out there.

    4. Dag, what are you trying to do? Incite hatred against people in British Columbia? If, and I say, IF, because Canadians have better things to do than hand out $20 or whatever for a Koran and then burn it, people are having childish book-burning parties, then who does it hurt? What will hurt and cause violence is YOU trumpeting these charges around the blogosphere. What's your damage?

      Incidentally, I have never yet met a Canadian named Dag. Canada is probably the most multicultural nation on earth, but you're more likely to meet a Canadian Khalil than a Canadian Dag. Who the heck are you?

    5. c.e. and all, You can get a free Koran at CAIR:

      So, burn away!

      Regarding Canada's multi-cult BS. You've obviously never been to the States.

    6. Haha.....Hilarious!!

      I might order a free koran but instead of burning it, I might use it for bog paper next time we run out.
      recycling and not being wasteful is a virtue. I'm sure mohommad will be pleased. :)

    7. Im just very curious to know exactly what they mean by "our days are numbered?" Am I supposed to be scared? The entire Muslim world is made up of a bunch of backward insignifigant countries that have a hard enough time just maintaining themselves let alone destroy the US and Europe. What I really hope for is more terrorist attacks on our soil so that all the liberals protecting these idiots will go crawl back into their holes and the president will have the support to turn the whole middle east into a large glass parking lot.

      I hate DAG -

    8. bunchoftrouble,

      No, I don't know Dag, whether Dag has a hand in it or not, I don't know, but it seems lately that we must care about the Koran yet they don't car about it. The muslims have trashed it, burned it, and even used it as toilet papers. Believe or not it is the truth. To them all non believer are worthless, and they want to rule all of us. In their own words, their will always be war betweeen us, the non believers, and them until we convert to Islam. But, when you read their Koran, even then you are still going to be controlled by the hight powers, whomever is holding those power seats. As for excuses, you are correct. I have read the Koran, and would not burn it. What would that accomplish?

      Anonymous, you should be scared. our days are numbers means you are with them as a muslim, or you are dead, or you will be ruled by their laws.

    9. bunchoftrouble,

      No, I don't know Dag, whether Dag has a hand in it or not, I don't know, but it seems lately that we must care about the Koran yet they don't car about it. The muslims have trashed it, burned it, and even used it as toilet papers. Believe or not it is the truth. To them all non believer are worthless, and they want to rule all of us. In their own words, their will always be war betweeen us, the non believers, and them until we convert to Islam. But, when you read their Koran, even then you are still going to be controlled by the hight powers, whomever is holding those power seats. As for excuses, you are correct. I have read the Koran, and would not burn it. What would that accomplish?

      Anonymous, you should be scared. our days are numbers means you are with us as a muslim, or you are dead, or you will be ruled by our laws.

    10. No, I don't know Dag, whether Dag has a hand in it or not, I don't know, but it seems lately that we must care about the Koran yet they don't care about the Bible. The muslims have trashed it, burned it, and even used it as toilet papers. Believe or not it is the truth. To them all non believer are worthless, and they want to rule all of us. In their own words, their will always be war betweeen us, the non believers, and them until we convert to Islam. But, when you read their Koran, even then you are still going to be controlled by the hight powers, whomever is holding those power seats. As for excuses, you are correct. I have read the Koran, and would not burn it. What would that accomplish?

      Anonymous, you should be scared. our days are numbers means you are with us as a muslim, or you are dead, or you will be ruled by our laws.

      Friday, February 17, 2006 6:25:51 PM

    11. This story is now linked at

    12. In response to bunchoftrouble, nobody is saying that muslim violence is Dag's fault. All they are saying is that he is so lost in his compassion and sympathy towards these Muslims who are by and large poor, that he completely overlooks the horrendous treatment of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians living in Muslim dominated lands. Nobody should hate Dag, but we should inform him of the other darker side of the Mohammedan cult. Please do not be mean to Dag, just help him understand so he can help you defend the countries that belong to all of you including Dag.

      In response to your suggestion that it is impossible for Islam to take out America and Europe, it is not an issue of the Islamic world gaining economic power and geostrategic hegemony. It will not be through brillance and hard work as it is for the Chinese. Rather it is a simple formula of immigration and birth rate. Most immigrants in the EU are muslim and have a birth rate four times higher than the native population. France, many other European countries, and perhaps Russia will be majority Muslim within 50 years if the current trends continue. The muslims will not assimilateand enrich our society as Irish and Poles did in the past, nor as Asians and Hispanics are doing now in the US. Instead they will rot us from the inside, destroying our social welfare economies, curtailing our civil liberties, and electing Islamist leaders. They will then use what's left of the state apparatus (i.e. military technologies, economic assets) and the proceeds from the jizya tax on non-Muslims to wage jihad on the rest of the world.

    13. Are they dressing their children up with fake bombs and giant knives while they burn it?

    14. Christine.

      The U.S. Copts Association
      The American Coptic Association
      The Middle East Christian Association

    15. well i can vote for whomever I want , and if I want to burn their so called Holy text , I will , who do these animals think they are ...

      in their dreams they will take over !anit happening !

    16. Here's the thing. If those who state that Islam is a religion of peace DO NOT protest or condemn the violent protests by fellow muslims, then they are supporting the protests and contradicting themselves and their own religion.
      The silence is deafening.

    17. It's late here in South Ms, understand we are not fighting terror, Islam is at war with us, we are not at with Islam, yet. We should be. The lives of our children depend on it. G-d forgive our politicians that can't define the enemy. How can we win a war, if we can't define the enemy.


    18. Link to this sent to CAIR. I'll wait patiently for their response.

    19. Praise be to Allah! All your people belong to Islam, do not try and fight, it will only make things harder. Us muslims will dominate the world and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

    20. Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK
      By Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite
      (Filed: 19/02/2006)
      Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.

      The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state'
      By Alasdair Palmer
      (Filed: 19/02/2006)
      For the past two weeks, Patrick Sookhdeo has been canvassing the opinions of Muslim clerics in Britain on the row over the cartoons featuring images of Mohammed that were first published in Denmark and then reprinted in several other European countries.
      "They think they have won the debate," he says with a sigh. "They believe that the British Government has capitulated to them, because it feared the consequences if it did not.

    21. "Quote: Praise be to Allah! All your people belong to Islam, do not try and fight, it will only make things harder. Us muslims will dominate the world and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it."

      Ya ya, true words of a peaceful muslim!!! you are going to dominate all of us. That is what we want to read from the likes of you. How you are going to dominate us. In your wild dreams. from this end of the world, It will NEVER happen.

      In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, May God forgive you and all those who wish to harm others just because they are different than you or refuse to be one of you.

      God Bless the Peace keepers and makers.
