
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Rest Of The Story: Cheney, Wittington, And Halliburton

I am very sorry to have to bring this news to you. It seems that Dick Cheney is not the man we all believed him to be. In fact, many of his most brutal critics appear to be much closer to the truth.

The Fu2rman has the goods:

Vice President Mistakenly Shoots Hunting Buddy

This story is so unbelievable, you won't believe it.

First of all, there are so many complex issues at work here, I'm going to try to keep it as easy to follow as possible.

OK, Harry Whittington was the lawyer that Cheney shot, and he is on the Board of Directors of Haliburton. Haliburton is in the midst of a big-time under-the-table no-bid contract, and it seems Whittington was not getting behind it.

He apparently was getting cold feet about the deal, and didn't want to be a part of it, because 'it was unethical' or something like that.

No big deal, so far, but check this out, the only way he could be removed from the Board of Haliburton, is...One, if he sells all of his shares in the company and foregoes all of his stock options. Or the other way is if he dies, in which case all of his shares and options go back to Haliburton, and cannot be willed or put in trust for his family. Of course, the Board of Haliburton asked him to sell his stock, and give up his options, he said No.

And that is what Cheney was discussing with him on the hunting trip. Cheney was going to try to convince hime to change his mind.As it goes, Cheney could not get Whittington to agree to these terms, so they went to plan B.A hunting 'accident'. The problem was that there was a mix up in the rifles, Whittington was supposed to be given the rifle loaded with the birdshot, (little BB's packed into a shotgun shell), and Cheney was supposed to be given the rifle that would have been lethal to a person.

It's a good thing Whittington didn't shoot a bird, or there would have been nothing left of it.Of course, GW Bush knew about the plan because he gets kick backs from Haliburton, and that is why the White House took so much time to respond.

From what I heard, Bush was so angry about the mishap, that he went on a 15 hour drinking binge, plus he had all of his kick back money, bet on the Pro-Bowl, and now that was in jeopardy! So what are they going to do about Whittington? Good question.

Go to Fu2rman for the rest of the story.


  1. He's no Aaron Burr. This long-time Hamiltonian is not impressed. There wasn't even a duel! And just think of the members of the Senate or Congress that he could have shot instead. Honestly.

  2. Yeah, like John Kerry, and Teddy Kennedy, and ...

  3. Did you here what Rush said about it? (At least I think it was Rush).

    'Would you rather go hunting with Cheney, or ride in a car over a bridge with Ted Kennedy?'

    'At least you know Cheney will take you to the Hospital!'

  4. Good one! I'll skip the hunting, but even for money would I never go anywhere with old Ted.
