
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some reflexions on the Muhammad cartoons

I have written them here.

You can also read this story.

On a hot day in June 1997, Tatiana Soskin took her black and white
caricature sketch of “Mohamed” and attempted to attach it to an Arab
storefront. Israeli security forces arrested her for attempted
vandalism and attempted incitement to riot. She was arraigned and
ordered by the judge to be taken to the Beer Ya’akov Mental Hospital
for a series of psychiatric exams to be sure that this “Kahanist
racist” was mentally fit to stand trial. While there she commented, “I
would rather be in a small mental hospital here than to live in the
bigger mental hospital that is the State of Israel!”

Just read. It's curious what it says about Netanyahu. And the Palestians dressing a donkey as a Jew.

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