
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Study Of Revenge Site Now Carries Warning Because It "Offensive"

D.T. Devereaux's blog, The Study of Revenge now carries a warning for being "offensive." Here is a conversation on this subject which took place in the comments section over at CUANAS:

eyesallaround said...
PS. Did you see what they did to thestudyofrevenge.blogspot? Someone reported them to google and they now have a "warning" before entering. It's the 1st time I've ever seen that!
12:58 PM

dag said...
I think everyone should post on the warning Google slapped on Derek's site. First him, us next.
1:15 PM

eyesallaround said...
Dag, what do you mean? How do we post on it? It just asks whether you want in or not considering the "offensive nature" or some such nonsense... like that would ever stop someone. Does Al Jazerra have that blather on their site? *gag*
1:21 PM

Pastorius said...
In a way, you kind of have to hand it to Google. They haven't actually censored DT. They're just treating him like a porn site. And, you don't even have to vouch that you are 18.I'm not happy that that is happening to him, but until he is actually censored, I'm not saying anything. And, by the way, censorship is a government thing. Google is a company, and Free Market economy means they have the right to choose who they are doing business with. Especially when we are getting this service for free.We've got to stand up for that right as well, Dag. It's called Freedom of Property. As you wrote, and I stole for our IBA statement, "each person has the right to own himself as an individual entity." I think property is an inalienable right.Let me know if you think I am off in my thinking.
1:26 PM

Pastorius said...
By the way, I've been censoring the hell out of people over at IBA. I've been having a bunch of Islamofascists come on and try to prostelitize. Do you think that I, as the Administrator of a blog, ought to not have the right to have religious fanatics ushered off the premises?
1:28 PM

dag said...
Google put a warning label on Derek's site not because it's obscene or anything like it. They gave in to pressure from Muslims who take offence at his editorial position. It's not a matter of whether Derek's work is banned, it being too late for that given the spread of his work by now; the point is that they are catering to Islam by warning people of the work itself.Yes, Google can do as they please, and good for them. But we are free to respond as we will, and this is our chance to make it known that we do not like the idea of our world being bullied into warning us that we might not like an editorial just because it might offend some Muslims.What's next? Will Google decide to place warnings here? Or what about Disney's graphics of Porky Pig? Where do you think it will stop if we don't stop it here now? This is a line in the sand. This is the same as the Danes being harassed by the Muslim lobby. Either we stand up and fight now or we give a little more ground til we're nowhere at all.This is a point worth pursuing. We can fight here on this ground.

Derek is our Denmark.

I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on this.


  1. Google did this because of the riots, period. I went there and all I saw were pictures and cartoons. There was nothing disgusting, no blood or gore, not even bad language.

    Take a trip around the blogisphere and you will find a lot of blogs that have much more bothersome content.

  2. Yes, Christine. I agree. Google did this because of the riots. D.T. has a right to Free Speech. He did not incite violence against Muslims. Instead, his work criticizes Muslims for inciting violence against others.

  3. Line in the sand. Agreed.

    To whom to we write to at Google?
    Besides blogging on your own site, calling the local paper might work; if not that, the local/nearest pro-Liberty radio show. Google was in the news for China activity, so this is a legit story from mainstream angle.

    Charles Martel

  4. a classic case of kowtowing to muslim extremists and liberal sandal lickers (as DT says). More political correctness run amok.

    Google's motto is do no evil - just censor free speech. First China. Then BMW. And now DT.

    Who's next people?

    did anyone happen to capture the google warning screen? If so could you please send to me? I neglected to do so and now can't get it to replicate - would like to use it in my post about the situation.
