
Friday, February 10, 2006

Syria: Israel behind bird flu

Syria: Israel behind bird flu
The state-run Syrian daily al-Thawra lately hinted that Israel developed the bird flu virus to harm the genes of its Arab neighbors.
An article published by the newspaper argues that Israel spread the virus in the Far East to mislead the world.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I read these declarations from Muslim countries on the most absurd claims against the Jews, I get upset with the stupidity behind them.

    Israel is a democratic country. The Jews do not control the Western world. On the contrary there are good indications that Muslim countries control organizations like the UN.

    Official UN statistics will show that half of all condemnations against a country have been against Israel. That is around 500! Half of all emergency sessions have been about Israel.

    During the 59. Assembly of the UN 2004-2005, 19 Israel critical resolutions were passed, while not a single was passed condemning the ethnical cleansings and mass murders in Darfur in Islamic Sudan

    I will agree that Israel has committed acts which are not according to the human rights and are in some instances not far removed from terrorism. But do not forget. Israel is in a war for survival. Its very existence is at stake. Also in Israel actions in war are criticized and often debated. Perpetrators, breaking rules of engagement are also, to some degree, being punished.

    Show me one case of an Arab country punishing anybody for actions against a Jew? Show me one debate, where Arabs ask themselves about the legitimacy of using terror against the Jews?

    How many times did Israel initiate an invasion of Arab countries trying to annihilate an Arab country?

    This is purely Muslim propaganda. Lately we heard the Cartoons are also a Jewish conspiracy.

    How can we fight against these absurd declarations. How can anybody believe countries with such claims? It is clear to me, that this gigantic lie is just another parallel to fascism as we have known it in Europe.

    Disclaimer. I am not Jewish and I have many more Muslim friends than Jewish.
