
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thanks to the time zones involved, I woke up a little late to breaking news, but I still thought it might be of some use to recall three things I learned this morning:

1) Bush has apparently claimed that he "didn't know" at the time of the secret agreement that Dubai Ports World was owned by Muslims;

2) Part of the agreement was that there would be "no investigation" of the deal once it was concluded.

3) Senator Robert Menendez has been telling the news that "additional security concessions" have been made to Dubai Ports World as part of the agreement.

In view of the above, I should like to post a few relevant quotes from for your consideration:

Quotations :

"Thus the jihad may be regarded as Islam’s instrument for carrying out its ultimate objective by turning all people into believers, if not in the prophethood of Muhammad (as in the case of the dhimmis), at least in the belief of God. The Prophet Muhammad is reported to have declared “some of my people will continue to fight victoriously for the sake of the truth until the last one of them will combat the anti-Christ.” Until that moment is reached the jihad, in one form or another will remain as a permanent obligation upon the entire Muslim community. It follows that the existence of a dar al-harb is ultimately outlawed under the Islamic jural order; that the dar al-Islam permanently under jihad obligation until the dar al-harb is reduced to non-existence; and that any community accepting certain disabilities- must submit to Islamic rule and reside in the dar al-Islam or be bound as clients to the Muslim community. The universality of Islam, in its all embracing creed, is imposed on the believers as a continuous process of warfare, psychological and political if not strictly military."
-Majid Khadurri, Muslim scholar, in War and Peace in the Law of Islam, 1955

"Acquiring nuclear weapons for the defense of Moslems is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, then I thank Allah for enabling me to do so."
-Osama bin Laden, in an 1998 interview with Time magazine

"We have the right to kill 4 million Americans, two million of them children."
-Abu Gheith, Al-Qaeda spokesman

"If a bomb was dropped on them that would annihilate 10 million and burn their lands…this is permissible."
-Sheikh Nasir bin Hamid al-Fahd, prominent Saudi cleric close to Al-Qaeda

"The real matter is the extinction of America. And, Allah willing, it will fall to the ground…keep in mind this prediction."
-Mullah Omar, Taliban leader and ally of Osama bin Laden

"Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
-Omar Ahmad, Co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

"We must reject democracy in favor of Islam, which is the unique perfect system worked out by Allah. . .Our march has just begun and Islam will end up conquering Europe and America. . . And let no one think that we are Utopian dreamers."
-Sheikh Saeed Shaaban, quoted in L'Orient le jour, Beirut, 19 October 1983

"The Koran pushes us in the exact opposite direction to the forces at work in the American political spectrum."
-Imam Zaid Shakir, former Muslim chaplain and political science professor, Yale University

"Islam is not Christianity...Islam is the religion of agitation, revolution, blood, liberation and martyrdom."
-Sheikh Morteza Motahari, quoted in "Islamic Movements in the Last One Hundred Years," Tehran, 1979

"Islam has an answer to every imagnable question. All an individual needs to do is to obey the rules without posing questions, without seeking variations."
-Sheikh Ragheb Harb, "Islam is the Strongest Religion," 1983, p.22

"A believer...who takes up a gun, a dagger, a kitchen knife or even a pebble with which to harm and kill the enemies of the Faith has his place assured in Heaven. An Islamic state is the sum total of such individual believers. An Islamic state is a state of war until the whole world sees and accepts the light of the True Faith."
-Ayatollah Fazl-Allah Mahalati, "On the Path of Justice," Tehran, 1980, pp. 70-71

"Deceit, trickery, conspiracy, cheating, stealing and killing are nothing but means."
-Muhammad Navab-Safavi, key figure in the fundamentalist movement, "Islamic Society and Government," Tehran, 1946; second edition, 1985.

"We are not fighting to chase out the occupiers or save national unity and keep the borders defined by the infidels intact, we are fighting because it is a religious duty to do it, just as it is a religious duty to take sharia to the government and create an Islamic state." -spokesman for al-Qaeda, Baghdad, October 18, 2005

"Any land, any piece of land, over which flies the banner of 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger,' and which at a certain point belonged to the Muslims – as far as we are concerned, plundering and occupying such land is forbidden, and it is the duty of all Muslims to do what they can to liberate this land, wherever it may be. True, many precious Muslim lands are under occupation today. They have been forgotten, and Andalusia is one example. Nevertheless, it is the duty of the Muslims to liberate them...."
-Sheikh Muhammad Ali, Palestinian Clerics Association Deputy Director, on August 19, 2005.

"The 21st century will be the century of Islam."
-Ayatollah Janati, cleric in Iranian government, quoted many times.

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