
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Urgent call: stop the desecration of the Flight 93 Memorial!

Error Theory just got the following email announcing what could be a recognition of the camoflaged Islamic crescent in the Flight 93 Memorial design:

The meetings of the Flight 93 Memorial Task Force and the Flight 93 Federal Advisory Commission will be held on Saturday February 18, 2006. The Task Force meeting will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and the Federal Advisory Commission meeting will be held from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Both meetings are open to the public, and will be held at the Somerset County Courthouse, Courtroom #1, 111 East Union Street, Somerset Pennsylvania.

Mr. Paul Murdoch, of the winning memorial design team of Paul Murdoch Architects, Los Angeles, California, will be on hand to talk about the memorial design, and welcomes meeting more of the local community. In addition, a major, exciting announcement will be made at the Commission meeting, and the public will be able to meet the new National Fundraising Capital Campaign Chairman.

Superintendent Joanne Hanley stated, “We really want to open our arms to the public and invite them to attend as much of the day on Saturday as possible. It is important to attend both the Task Force and the Commission meetings to find out everything that is going on in relation to the Flight 93 Memorial project.”

The Task Force meeting time will include reports from the following committees: Family Memorial, Temporary Memorial Management, Government Liaison, Public Relations/Newsletter, Administration, Archives, and Communications Committee. In addition, the Task Force Nominating Committee is being reinstated to begin the nomination process to replace an Advisory Commission member who has resigned. This process will be reviewed at the Task Force meeting.

Briefings at the Commission meeting will include reports on land acquisition, next steps in the design and construction process, the General Management Plan, and an update on the fundraising effort including the announcement of leadership gifts.

Congress authorized the establishment of a federal commission to assist the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service with the formulation of plans for a permanent memorial to honor the passengers and crew of Flight 93. The Flight 93 Memorial Task Force is a grass roots organization comprised of family members, community residents, first responders, educators, and other local, regional and national participants. Members play an instrumental role in helping to create the permanent memorial and ensuring that the heroes of Flight 93 and the story of the design competition for the permanent memorial; the results of the Fundraising Feasibility Study; and many other aspects of memorial development. The final design for the permanent memorial was submitted to Congress and the Secretary of the Interior on September 23, 2005. The Commission and the Task Force both are working closely with the other project partners – the Families of Flight 93 and the National Park Service – to accomplish this goal.
Like Alec Rawls, who discusses this more in depth over here, I too am very disturbed by this news. Attempts to warn about the design have been ignored, but this meeting being held offers the chance for all concerned to expose the deception that Murdoch and the other weasels involved in the project are trying to foist upon the public. If you can write to protest, here's some contact information for the primary players you can write to:
Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior (who must sign off in the final design):
202 208-7351.
Department of Interior 1849 C St, NW, Washington DC 20240

John Reynolds, Chairman, Flight 93 Memorial Project
(202) 238-4200
National Park Foundation
11 Dupont Circle, NW , Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Attn: John Reynolds

Joanne Hanley, Superintendent, Flight 93 Memorial Project or
There is also an email form on the National Park Service website at:
814 443-4557
National Park Service 109 West Main Street, Suite 104 Somerset, PA 15501-2035

Jeff Reinbold, Project Manager, Flight 93 Memorial Project
814 443-4557
National Park Service 109 West Main Street, Suite 104 Somerset, PA 15501-2035

Chris Martin, publicity manager for the Memorial Project

Congressman John Murtha (who sponsored the House legislation that created the Memorial Project):

814-535-2642 or 202-225-2065
PO Box 780
Johnstown, PA 15907-0780

Senator Arlen Specter (who sponsored the Senate legislation that created the Memorial Project):

Contact your own representative here:

And if you have a message for Paul Murdoch, you can reach him at:

Read the rest of Alec's post for more info. This Memorial cannot and must not be hijacked by terrorist sympathisers, and must not be dedicated to Islamic terrorists in any form whatsoever. Remember, those savages murdered in the name of their religion, and to design it in the form of one of their symbols is exactly what they want. So let's not allow terrorists to be rewarded. Which is exactly the reason why Murdoch for one cannot be the architect of the design, as I made clear earlier.

Cross-posted to Tel-Chai Nation.


  1. We are certainly doing battle on many fronts. Paul Sperry, in "Infiltration," gives us insight into just how much headway Islam has made, and this--a mockery of the heroic actions of the crew and passengers of Flight 93--is further evidence of just how far "Islam Creep" has penetrated into our civilization.

    I wrote Murdoch a letter after the initial presentation of the design, and when I heard there was a re-design in the works, I thought the issue was settled. Well, the Muslims are patient and persistent, if nothing else.

    Please contact all the links supplied in this excellent post. We need to let these people know that we didn't just fall off the turnip truck re: our knowledge of Islam and what its goals are.

    Chain saws and brush killer, like the Pentagon's plans for Iran, need to remain a last resort measure.

  2. Just get rid of the crescent, how about a triangle or arrow shape? I am personally offended when I see a crescent so this crescent should be banned. I am a 'group' and my beliefs should be respected.

    I don't understand Murdoch. Is he a Muslim or a crouched over grovelling pusillanimous dhimmi? Probably the latter.
