
Monday, February 13, 2006

We Get Mail ...

Boy, do we get mail

Some of the most incendiary mail this side of the, uh, Nile, I guess.

Here, Dag talks about the New French Revolution in the person of two "Frenchmen" rioting against a slew of Islamofascists:

This particular incident is more important in the long run that the cartoon isuue we are now involoved in. Look at this as a long-term vision: people in France are terrified, and the police are barely able to keep the average citizen from being murdered in the streets by Muslim mobs.

This is the turning point.

The cartoon issue is interesting and valuable but this demonstration of what it is to live in France today tells us all we need to know about the state of personal security in France. This is the one thing I've been waiting for.

Look at this: Legitimate French authority as vested in the police, and therefore the government, is finished. A state that cannot protect its citizens and residents from mobs is not a legitimate state. When civil authority cannot protect the lives and security of its residents from unrestrained mob violence, then the reason for the being of government, the establishment and continuance of rational law and civil order, is null.

When civil authority does not have or will not use force, when it no longer has the exclusive monopoly of legitmate force, then the state is not a state, and it's every man for himself, a lawlessness.This is the end of the Republic. Now comes the overthrow and the new Republic.

Today we see the end of the reprised ancient regime. What will take its place?

We are in this position in many nations in the West. We must take control of the nations from the Left dhimmi collaborators among us. If we don't, others will. This incident won't destroy the architecture of the French state today, but this incident is the makings of a coup d'etat.

Who will fill the vacuum?

Good question.

And, from Reliapundit, the Astute Blogger, discussing the "hypocrisy" of Muslim protesters using violence because they are accused of being violent (Oh yes, and a little about the hypocrisy of the Left, as well):

lookit: there is NO HYPOCRISY at all these things from the Muslims.

It is NOT hypocritical to riot over cartoons and say ZILCH over beheadings.

That's because the beheadings and the riots are TOTALLY PRO-ISLAMOFASCISM.

AND: There is also NO HYPOCRISY among those in the West who couldn't publish enough Abu Ghraib photos (even though they knew that it would inflame the enemy) but who will NOT publish cartoons: both serve the enemy.

Those who riot to protect the imagelessness of their prophet and who commit genocidal terror in the name of their religion are for all intents and purposes the same people: the enemy.

Those who deride Bush and our armed forces over Abu Ghraib and Gitmo and the NSA flap and supposed torture and WMD, (etc), but who refuse to publish the cartoons are for all intents and pourposes the same people: those who serve the enemy (either from outright sympathy or from outright fear).

I hope the power structures are taking note. The rabble are pretty pissed off. Franky, I don't know if there are enough cakes to eat anymore.

Do you get my drift?


  1. Pastorius,
    The jihadists' plan to use the cartoons to their own evil ends has backfired. Islamism has been exposed for what it is--the desire to impose shari'a law on all the world.

    We've got to see to it that the jihadists' plan STAYS backfired. The consequences as to what will happen if we don't accomplish the goal doesn't bear thinking about!

  2. Grammar error: "don't" (instead of "doesn't."

  3. AOW,
    I agree it has backfired.

    When you say, make sure it stays backfired, what do you think they could do to turn it around?

    Or, are you concerned that our political correctness with snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

  4. No, this is not the turning point.
    The turning point will come when the police can no longer prevent Frenchmen from being murdered by angry mobs of Muslims on the boulevards of France.
    Once they figure out that this is not the same as being taken over by the English, the Committee of Public Safety, the Directory, Napoleon, the Nazis or McDonald's, and that they or their wives and mistresses might actually be killed, they will get the idea.
    Or not.

  5. I'm inclined to think Dag is jumping the gun too.

  6. These cartoons did backfire on them. I like to read the comments when I read a blog somewhere. What I have begun to notice, reminds me of after 9/11.

    Eyes are opening on both sides of the political spectrum. People who up til now, believed the bombers were just rare entities are seeing the true face of evil. And who would have ever thought it would be cartoons? Maybe one day in the history books it will say, The Cartoons That Changed The World.

  7. I was just thinking the same thing last night, about how it's so strange that cartoons are a pivotal part in this war.

    A very strange development that I do believe we will see in the history books.
