
Monday, February 06, 2006

When The Muslims Come To Town

I would be the first to say we should all just get along, and let The United States, and all Free countries be the melting pot they were designed to be.

However, could there be a Muslim plan when it comes to moving into a country?


Check the whole post at Fu2rman and Friends, and read about Bangledesh, but here is the short version.

Islam comes into a country (Usually from immigrants FLEEING other Islamic oppresive countries).

Muslims then start bringing in their extended families.

Muslims then begin to procreate at 12 times the rate of the native population (4 spouses with an average litter of 6 each is 24 children vs the 2.1 average for natives).

When the muslim population hits approx 5 %, they demand more open immigration.

When the muslim population hits approx 10%, local municipalities are stacked with muslims.

When the muslim population shift hits 25%, then the calls for sharia courts only for Muslims at first.

When the muslim population hits 45%, then the Forceful begins to assert itself.

By the time the native population is overrun and is less than 50%...

Then the Genocide begins...


Only in the south for now where the muslim population is around 45% in areas...

Muslims are targeting Buddhist monks.., Buddhists in General.

Philipines southern islands

(several islands are over 65% muslim)
Locals are being killed or run out completly

Targeted are Catholics and Christians.

Bethlhem Israel

(was 50%) christian now less than 2%
Christians are now being targeted.

Either pay us protection money or Get out..


Muslim population estimated at 10%.

Muslims neary burned down 10% of the country in a month...
All becase two Muslim Criminals were avoiding a police check point
And were too stupid to realize you shouldnt grab power lines.


With an estimated 12% muslim population
A lot of whom are on welfare..
Muslims threaten ALL Britons
Even though not a single british newspaper
has printed the cartoons

Also Londoners are being targeted because
they Arent MUSLIM.


With 20% muslims population
with several cities almost completly muslim.

Rapes of NON muslim women by muslims is up 900%
Killings of NON muslims are up 375%
Attacks on police and firefighters up 1000%

Targets ALL NON Muslims.

I don't know, that's still not my idea of a Religion of Peace.


  1. pThanks for posting this, Fu2rman.

    I have family members who live here in America because Jihadis forced them to flee their place of birth.

  2. Well, he definately got the French "official" figures right.

    I am guessing the "official" figures are incorrect. I believe the numbers might be approaching 15%.

  3. This is a pattern I have long pondered and watched, as well as have been watching for in Europe among other places.

    We cannot forget also certain west African countries where this model is also in play, Nigeria being a most obvious example. Nor can we forget the demands being made by the growing muslim community in Canada.

    In an age where outright invasion would be fought outright, this is their only viable option.
