
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Who Is Xenophobic? The West, Or Islam?

The Astute Blogger kicks ass. Discussing people who say the West is intolerant, and that we declared war on Islam:


This war was declared by the INTOLERANT islamofascists ON THE WEST, and not the other way around. WE ARE JUST FRIGGIN FIGHTING BACK!

Religious freedom for all religions is guaranteed in the West, and NOT in all Islamic nations. Harassment of other faiths is routine in Islamic nations; in fact, it is against the law to practice another faith in Saudi Arabia. The islamofascists are the ones trying to enforce their fanatical religious beliefs on us, and not the other way around.

The West would be happy to have Muslims praying 5 times a day in mosques all over our nations if we didn't have to worry that the mosques were really jihadoterrorist clubs planning terror against us!

Today, much of the West is fed up with jihadoterror and the outrageous hypocrisy of apologists for jihadoterror. Our tolerance got us into this mess: For way too long we tolerated the intolerance of Muslims. We are sick and tired of hypocrites like Gerges and Abu Laban (one of the 2 Danish imams who trumped up this whole Cartoon Intifada) who berate the West for intolerance while accepting it in Muslim nations - and in Islam itself.

Most Muslims NEVER condemned a single beheading or kidnapping which was done in the name of Islam; when jihadoterrorists beheaded someone on behalf of their faith, or MURDER DOZENS AT WEDDINGS OR FUNERALS, we never heard these apologists say that the jihadoterrorists had slandered Islam. But then, when NON-Muslims publish a few mild CARTOONS, Muslims go on a friggin rampage! Over friggin CARTOONS! And the apologists blame us!

People in the West can ONLY conclude that the rampaging Muslims are absofrigginlutley INSANE - or are jihadoterrorists! And professors who wear suits and appear on CNN should say so, and not argue that we in the West are not tolerant enough, or understanding enough, or that we haven't reached out enough!

LOOKIT: the enemy is attacking us - using violence and intimidation against us because of THEIR xenophobia, not ours.

Then again, we should expect this kind of horrifying behavior towards us by some muslims (and also we should expect the amoral defenses of it by other Muslims). After all, we are mere "kafirs", and they are people whose religion says it's sometimes necessary to murder your own daughter to restore "honor" to your family.

Sho 'nuff.


  1. Gee, looks like I'm not the only one who is totally fed up.

  2. Same here, this kafir is not going to sit idly by.

  3. I`m a blue-collar working man(logger) with not much work, but just ordered $200 Danish goods. Totally fed up with these barbarians, wish I was young enough to go back in the Army(Viet and GW1 vet).They keep pushing and they might not like what they get.

  4. Conde is gonna get nasty.

    I couldn't help myself.

  5. Atheist,
    Islam is used to justify those practices, and you know that damn well.

  6. And even without reading the Quran, just the fact that hardly any Muslim speak against those practices is in itself enough.

    Show me the last demonstration in the West gleeing about thousands of Muslim dead innocents including women and children in actions of terror. Show me placards at those demonstrations asking to maim, exterminate, behead and otherwise kill opponents.

    Pastorious. yes, Yes and YES. We agree entirely with you. The hipocrocy is absurd and incongruous. Only the the blind by choice can not see it. It must be blindness based on fear and/or stupidity.

  7. JMJ,

    As far as I know there is nothing in the Quran forbidding pictures of the Prophet. In fact images exist in countries like Iran.

    But of course there is a difference between images and making fun of something holy to the Muslims.

    Outside Shia Muslim areas there probably is a tradition or a fatwa against pictures or statues of the Mohammed.

    In the West we do not make many pictures of God either. (I never saw one of the Holy Spirit though). But we do have many of Jesus like the Virgin Mary and the saints.

    It could both be cultural and related to an interpretation of the Quran.

    The biggest hope in this conflict are the Moderate Muslims. They are also pontentially the biggest loosers. I find it strange there are so few though. Maybe they are scared of speaking against the Imams. Just like people were scared of speaking against the church in the Western World not too long ago. In Denmark now a group of Muslims have created the Moderate Muslims of Denmark. An organisation for dialogue and which believes in democracy. They have specifically stated that the Imams do not speak on their behalf.

    The Egyptian Sand Monkey and others are refreshing voices in the blogospere. I have big hopes for them.

    But sincerely. I do not think we can avoid a serious conflict with radical Muslims.
