
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Who's the pig?

By now, most people know of the "fake cartoons" the Danish imams used to incite anger in the ME during their tour there in December, 2005. Now Neander News has found out where one of them is from (hat tip: Mike H., comment no. 2):

Do these two photos look similiar?

They should because they are the same! No, not a satire of Mohammed nor any other sacred Islamic figure but a photo of Jacques Barrot, a pig squealing contestant at the French Pig-Squealing Championships in Trie-sur-Baise’s annual festival. NeanderNews discovered this photo, taken by
Bob Edme of AP, posted on an August 15, 2005 AP story seen here on MSNBC’s website.

From Viking Observer.

Jyllands-Posten correct it to be a local motor mechanic named Jacques Marrot.

Here's some of the material used by the Danish imams to get a better story and stir up the arab world a little more:

Above text tells The pedophile "prophet" Mohammed

Above text tells This is why Muslims pray

Both exposed by the Danish troublemaker newspaper, Ekstra Bladet. More at Michelle Malkin's blog.


  1. A fatwa on Ahmed Abdel Rahman Abu Laban who has insulted Muhammed (PBUH). Death shall come upon this apostate. Allah Akbar
