
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I know this is the right thing to do, but wait…

I was reading the article NOW Do you believe it? on Always on Watch's fine blog and read very interesting comments on the post there. This is a post about a man named Zacharias Moussaoui, whom informed people already know about very well (uninformed people should follow the link above). The comments were very interesting and this post is in answer to some of those comments. I am being very general in this post, so I will not reproduce all or any of the comments here. I am jumping right into the discussion so it is better you read the comments over at Always on Watch first and then read here. Enjoy!

Should the US Government put Moussaoui to death, or should he get life imprisonment, or does he merit a more novel punishment like, say, working in a pig farm (good one!)? He would think he is a 'shaheed' (martyr) if he is killed and indeed this is what he has openly wished for. The Moslem world would certainly see him as a shaheed if he was executed by an infidel government.

But that's what they say and think when any Moslem dies fighting for Allah, killing innocent women and children. They blow themselves up on the streets, in the buses and the malls and then they're hailed as martyrs, heroes who died bravely fighting the Great Satan (USA) or Little Satan (Israel). What should we do then? Should we stop them from blowing themselves up? We try that but even that ends up with them dead. The way you guys are thinking about it, we lose no matter what.

What should we do then? Should we let this man live?

Read the rest here at Pedestrian Infidel.

1 comment:

  1. I'll check it out. That has been, indeed a great comments discussion over at Always on Watch. I don't want this guy to get any glory in his punishment, though I want him put to death. An interesting dilemma, eh?
