
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Update on Iran's BM-25, EX , USSR Sub Launched Ballistic missile, SSN6?

From Stratfor (Subscription needed) full text at end of story here:
It is highly unlikely, however, that Iran possesses such weapons. Instead, the report probably represents an effort to isolate Iran internationally by turning European public opinion against Tehran.

1)The German report contains confusing nomenclature. It refers to the missiles as BM-25s, claiming that this model was a Soviet-era design with a range of approximately 1,500 miles. In Soviet service, however, the BM-25 was an unguided truck-mounted rocket with a range of about 12 miles to 19 miles, more commonly known as the Katyusha of World War II fame.

2)Further confusing matters, Western media showed an image April 28 described as Iran's "new" missile, when the image actually appears to be a Soviet- or Chinese-designed anti-ship missile riding on a vehicle in a parade. It is not even clear if the picture was taken in Iran -- and the missile pictured is not even an R-27 or BM-25.

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1 comment:

  1. It is so easy to worry about one Iranian nuclear warhead when Israel has 500 of them. Israel Defence Force (a bunch of guntotting thugs) who have no love of our creator, get away which such atrocities. Hitler was not the head level Nazi, John D Rockefeller was. Converting the old Jericho warheads to the Harpoon is an easy form fitting job that takes no longer than 3 weeks. I would be happy if I could get my hands on the infedel with the lovely taataas, if I could only get that damned gun away from her. Aaah such lovely weapons of mammary destruction. I would like to show her my little jihad and make her cry tears. Oh buy the way, is she one of those 72 virgins I was promised in Kihad training. I will assume the position.
