
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Babe/Hunk of the Week

I guess I was a bit slow on this, but I've been a little busy this week.

I saw the Phoebe Cates Babe of the Week, and the Star Wars Hunk of the Week, so I
had to post the Fu2rman All-Time Babe.

In case you're curious, check it out.

You may or
may not be surprised, but I will definitely age myself a little.


  1. Thanks for posting the B-24 5th Air Force gal as Infidel Babe of the Week.

  2. Hey FU2,
    One week I had considered making Emma Peel the Infidel Babe of the Week. I remember that even as a five year old lad that chick was making me feel like a man.

    So, don't feel bad about reaching WAY back.
