
Friday, June 23, 2006

Why They Really Hate Us

On the heels of WC's post regarding the 1941 fatwa that was issued regarding the West's occupation of Iraq, I'm posting a link to a Smithsonian Magazine article that I found in February 2006 regarding Sayyid Qutb's awakening in regards to his hatred of the West, to further reinforce the point that this jihad is one that we had long before Bush II came to office. This was 1950's Greeley, Colorado, about as "mom, the flag, and apple pie" Norman Rockwell American as you can get.

Poet and journalist Sara Lippincott was an early visitor to the frontier outpost, and later wrote about it under her pen name, Grace Greenwood. “You’ll die of dullness in less than five hours,” another traveler had warned her about Greeley. “There is nothing there but irrigation. Your host will invite you out to see him irrigate his potato-patch...there is not a billiard-saloon in the whole camp, nor a drink of whiskey to be had for love or money.”

Yet this is the irrigated soil that developed his hatred of the West, and fed his decision to develop an ideology for the Muslim Brotherhood, and for terrorists ever since.

He seethed at the brutishness of the people around him: the way they salted their watermelon and drank their tea unsweetened and watered their lawns. He found the muscular football players appalling and despaired of finding a barber who could give a proper haircut. As for the music: “It (Jazz) is this music that the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires.”

No, in 1950, he couldn't seethe at support for Israel, American colonialism in the Middle East, oil, or any other straw man to put up. He hated us for us.

Read the whole thing here.

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