
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Freedom of Expression

Today is Independence Day here in the USA. I thought I'd celebrate by sharing some links to a few other people who seem to value the freedom to express themselves even though they are not Americans, live half a world away. And yes, are Muslims. Female Muslims.

My vast, planetary network of Wraith Informants have provided several examples of these freedom loving women indulging in that most 21st century liberty- the freedom to post nude pictures of yourself on the Internet. I'm not linking to these out of simple voyeurism (in a world awash in porn these are tame indeed) but to make a larger point. Warning: the images contain nudity. If you are offended by naked, semi-nude, topless or bottomless Muslim women please do not click the links. [If you do click the links and are offended do not blame me. You were duly warned.] See the examples here, here, here, here, and here. Even the fully clothed young Arab woman looks self-confident and defiant. Notice that these women wear the hijab while flashing the camera. These are incredibly brave women, pushing back against the constraints of their culture at fantastic personal risk. The dangerous part isn't that they show their boobs but that they show their faces. No doubt there are men and women living close by (maybe even in the same home) who would punish them most severely, perhaps to the death, were they to be recognized. Yet here they are, faces, hijabs, breasts and all.

Why? Why risk so much over a poor quality snapshot of yourself topless at a desk? Perhaps this is the only outlet they have to resist the narrow role allowed women in their society. Perhaps this helps them feel connected to the larger world of the Girls Gone Wild Generation. Perhaps it is one small act of defiance. Perhaps, like everyone everywhere, performing a forbidden act is thrilling and adds excitement to an otherwise banal life.

I don't know why these Muslim women (and probably thousands more) post these semi-naked pictures of themselves on the World Wide Web. The images are just images, providing no rationale or justification. Interpret them as you will. But you have to appreciate the risk, the bravery, and the radically subversive nature of the simple act of a Muslim woman showing here boobs. Now that's speaking truth to power.


  1. I'm supposed to appreciate women objectifying themselves? Get real.

    Until they are able to take off their headscarves and become equal members of society (WITHOUT baring their chests or private parts) then they will always be second class citizens.

  2. Sure they are second class citizens, if indeed they are citizens at all. No one is saying otherwise. And what they are doing may not be admirable but it is certainly brave. And radically subversive against the value system and institutions of their home culture.

  3. Brave and subversive, Thomas. Those are words that that guy couldn't understand even if you gave him a dictionary to look them up.
