
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Islam Celebration Starts. Tommorow Anniversary of July Bombings

Check out The IslamExpo blog for more info. The BBC have already kicked off their coverage. Of course they didn't mention that this "Expo" was costing London tax payers £200,000. I'm sure they would have if it was some Christian event, but there you go.

Quite unsurprisingly, a number of terrorist supporters are speaking at the event, including Hamas' envoy, Azzam Tamimi, will be making an appearance.

[Cross posted at Drunken]

1 comment:

  1. This celebration of Muslim truimphalism on the anniversary of their 'great victory' in London serves the same purpose as the release of the video of the Bradford bomber's last maledictions - to rub salt into the wounds of those injured and to mock the grief of the bereaved.

    "Commissioner Andy Hayman said police were aware of the video and that it would form part of their investigation.

    "There can be no doubt that the release of the video at this time can only cause maximum hurt and distress to the families and friends of those who died on 7/7 and the hundreds of people who were injured in the terrorist attacks - .

    Similarly, this obscene flaunting of terrorist taqiyya in IslamExpo, so blatantly timed to coincide with 7/7, serves to remind us of the vicious and venomous nature of the Scummah we have allowed into the West.

    The organisers of this repulsive exhibition of Islamic savagery are sending a message to the British people to the effect that Muslims can shit on the graves of their Kaffir victims and everybody is too PC to do anything about it.
