
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Israel gives lesson on how to deal with terrorists

With the missile fired directly at the offices of Palestinian PM, Ismail Haniyeh, Israel sends a clear message to HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority, that it will not negotiate the liberation of the israeli soldier held hostage by HAMAS terrorists. And not only that it will not negotiate, but that should anything happen to the soldier, nobody in Palestine will be safe from the retalliations.

With this, yet again Israel gives the world a lesson on how to deal with terrorists. Just consider for a minute this hypothetical scenario: you have a neighbor who has sworn to kill you and all your family. And he tells you day after day that he will live to fulfill his promise, which includes the raping of your wife and daughters before he kills them. Well, that scenario is not hypotethical, but only too real, for Israel. With a neighbor like that, who will not reason and who considers as his mission in life to take to completion his promise of your murder, there is no other way to deal with than with force. It is a clear case of legitimate self-defense.

The israelis have clearly learned the lessons from Munich (1938), and know that the more you try to appease a bully, the more he will continue bullying you, and that the only way to secure peace is being ever ready to wage war against those who want to take away what is yours.

Yes, Israel and Denmark: two peoples that deserve my total respect these days.


  1. Nice piece.

    Didn't understand though why Denmark...

  2. DS,
    Many of us admire Denmark for their stand against the Cartoon Jihad. Don't you think the Danish Prime Minister and Aftenposten have done a good job at sticking to their guns?

  3. The "why" of Denmark: the Danes have behaved admirably in what regards to protecting freedom, life and property, against fascism coming from the nazis or the yihadists.

    In the link below you can find a brief on why the Danes are to be admired

  4. Jaime,
    The scenario you described is the perfect analogy. Israel has every right to self-defense and self-preservation.

  5. Israel is taking a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, our State Department has shamefully urged her to hold back. I hope Israel continues to vigorously defending herself against civilization’s enemies. She’s on the frontline of this war and we should give her all the support possible.

  6. This is a waste of time.

    I hope Israel has learned the lesson of releasing hundreds of Hezbollah for 3 Israeli bodies.

    Nevermind rocketing empty offices...even if the intent was to leave alive those who might be useful in 'negotiating' the release of Shalit, nothing is gained.

    An ice cold message needs to be passed to evey memnber of the HAMAS govt very quietly, that they will spend their lives in a forgotten hole in the ground, or spend eternity in hell, any second now.

    There is just nothing to discuss.
    There was nothing to discuss in 1919 (Abu Musa), 1936 (Hebron), 1937 (Peel Commision), 1938 (white paper), 1947 (Partition Plan), 1949 (armistice), 1967 (when plans to return ALL of Sinai and Golan for peace were rejected outright-again), 1973, and now.

    The salafi freaks cannot give up what the Quran says. THEY control what Islam IS, today. Until this is different, those who wish to live will have to make up their minds to relentlessy kill those who wish to kill them.

    So sorry, but isn't that yet clear?
