
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Malaysia: Islamic Government Wants To Pay People To Convert

Islam is such an unattractive way of life that Muslims have often had to resort to paying people to convert.

I remember sitting in a park one day and meeting a woman from Ethiopia. I asked what had brought her to the United States, was it the poverty? No, it was the Muslims. She told me of how they were trying to force people to convert, and that they were actually somewhat successful, because they were paying people.

This seemed like an outlandish claim, but I have seen it documented by now, so I believe it. And, here it is again, in Malaysia:

Channel News Asia reports that the Islamist Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) wishes to convert indigenous peoples in Kelantan state to Islam, by offering bribes including cash and offers of four wheel drive vehicles.

PAS only has one state, that of Kelantan, under its control. The party wants all of Malaysia to be Islamic.

Their plan, announced by the Kelantan state government on Monday, had been to convert the "Orang Asli", the native peoples who are all that remain of Malaysia's indigenous population before Muslims colonised the region in the 14th century. Traditionally the Orang Asli do not follow the mainstream religions.

The bribes would be paid for by the state to Muslim preachers who married or converted members of the indigenous population, who are traditionally animists, who consult shamans who commune with the spiritual world.

Earlier today, rights activists in Malaysia condemned the plan. S, Arutchelven from the group Voice of the Malaysian People told Agence France Presse: "This is a violation of human rights. It looks like religion is being made a commodity. Indigenous people have their own beliefs and culture. We urge the Kelantan government to stop this programme."

A commissioner with the government's Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, Denison Jayasooria stated: "The utilisation of state resources as a motivation for preachers to convert ... is an abuse of power."


  1. Assalam-oAlaikum!(may the peace,mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you)

    I am really sorry to hear about these muslims who are bribing people to accept Islam. As ambassadors of Islam ,indeed, they are setting a very bad example and putting Islam and all the true Muslims in a bad light.

    This is not what Islam is about...Please, I request you to judge Islam by going through the life of the Prophet Muhammad(saw:may peace be unto him)and reading the Quran.

    Islam condemns forceful conversions ...Allah has said in the Quran:"And let there be no compulsion in religion."

    Hope you do not ignore my comment and hate Islam just because of the behaviour of the Muslims. If you have any queries about Islam or any complaints you can remove them by going to the authentic Islamic websites or learned scholars...

    one good website

  2. Thanks, Cookie. I know decent people who are Muslims. You sound like a decent person.

    The problem, as I see it, is that a very bad form of Islam is dominant in much of the Arab world, and, Saudi Arabia exports that form into our country, and into Europe by building mosques, funding shools, and distributing literature.

    That is what I have a problem with. I hope you can understand.

  3. Compulsion in religion? Islam is all about compulsion, Malaysia included.

    I have a close friend here in Malaysia, an apostate, a murtad, born into Islam (and hence having no choice in the matter). Now that she is an adult, she wants nothing to do with Islam (much of that is my doing, I'm happy to report). But Malaysia, despite its own high-sounding constitution, does not allow Muslims to leave Islam and have their national ID cards changed to reflect this wish (ID cards here have to show the bearer's religion, a fact most westerners don't know). Malaysian Sharia courts consistently refuse to allow any Muslim to leave Islam. And many of these would-be apostates find themselves forcefully remanded into some sort of "religious rehab", a brutal attempt to coerce them back into the Ummah. This ain't the Betty Ford Clinic--it's a hell on earth, I have been informed.

    So Malaysian apostates like my friend (there are 250,000 of them in this country, according to conservative estimates) live in a sort of legal limbo land. They want the freedom to make an adult choice that harms no one, and yet, Islam, the Religion of Compulsion if there ever was one, does not let them.

    In fact, apostacy warrants the death penalty in at least several Islamic states (KSA, Iran, Afghanistan in a recent infamous case, Pakistan, and others). One IBLOGA post from a few weeks ago listed a Malaysian religious education text (published by the government) that also advocates the same penalty for apostates. Islamic moderation in Malaysia, like everywhere else, is in fact a mirage that disappates at the slightest breeze.

    To "Cookie", I hate Islam for what it is, not just because of the behavior (or inaction) of many of its adherants. If I were you, I'd be more worried about the terrorists, the Jihadists, the Muslim mass murderers, the unspeakable violence and cruelty, aggression and holy war without end, putting your faith in a "bad light", not some bribes in a Malaysian backwater.

    As an infidel, all I know of are 'bad forms' of Islam. If there are any good ones, it's a secret kept darn well from Jihad savants like me.

  4. Oh come if the Christians are not doing the same! I have nothing against other religion (btw, Im PROUD to be a MUSLIM!)So please do not judge muslims just by one person's aspect on it. And DON'T HATE a religion for you do not know the meaning of that religion. I know that every religion in this world practice peace among different races and religion.People like you get obses with those kinds of remarks because you do not know the true meaning of Islam. I hope everybody including Mr Anti Jihad would stop being bitter and condemned themselves in a pool of hatred towards Islam.

  5. Aminah Hassan,
    I have never heard of a Christian paying someone money to convert them.

    If you believe in a peaceful Islam, one in which you do not believe it is your duty to wage Jihad against Infidels, and if you will allow women to choose their own lives, and if you will allow homosexuals and apostates to live in peace and prosperity, then I have no problem with you.
