
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Spanish Subway Train Going Twice Normal Speed

Specualtion is the driver has passed out or become incapacitated in some way:

VALENCIA, Spain - A train that derailed and killed 41 people in Spain's worst subway accident was traveling at twice the normal speed, a government official said Tuesday.

The train's excessive speed has led officials to believe the driver had either fainted or become otherwise indisposed prior Monday's accident, said Jose Ramon Garcia Anton, Valencia's regional transport minister.

The train was traveling at 50 mph, rather than the average of 25 mph at the curved section where it derailed, Garcia Anton said.

He said neither the train nor the tracks had suffered any kind of mechanical failure before the derailment, denying initial reports that a wheel on the train had broken.

Authorities ruled out terrorism as the cause, but the accident brought back memories of the 2004 bombings of Madrid commuter trains that killed 191 people. Rescue workers hustled bloodied, sooty survivors from the tunnel.

The accident occurred shortly after 1 p.m. as many people packed subway trains to head home for lunch. It was the second accident on Valencia's No. 1 line in less than a year. A September collision involving three trains injured at least 30 people, four of them seriously.

If it was terrorism, do you think our Patriarchy would ever tell us?


  1. Religion of Pieces,
    I don't think you are correct here. Sorry.

    Recently, we have seen Muslims go berserk on an individual level. There was the guy in the movie theater outside of Baltimore. And, there was the guy (I think it was in Denver) who went to work and shot his coworkers because they made fun of his religion.

    This could have been that kind of terrorism.

  2. By the way, just to be clear, I am not saying it IS that kind of terrorism, or that it is terrorism at all. I just think that, once again, the government jumped the gun in telling us this was NOT terrorism.

    Remember, the government told us TWA 800 wasn't terrorism. They told us the oil refinery explosion in London wasn't terrorism. The oil refinery explosion in Houston wasn't terrorism. We've had several trains derail here in the US and those weren't terrorism either. We had a plane fall out of the sky in New York two months after 9/11 because it's tail fell off, and that wasn't terrorism.

    Need I go on?

  3. I suppose it's possible. After all Egypt Air Flight 990 was an obvious case of 'Sudden Jihad Syndrome' when viewed in retrospect, but the cause was covered up at the time.
