
Monday, July 24, 2006

They were not just talking

It should be obvious by now that regardless of whether or not it is justified by objective reality, they are not full of bluster.

Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE they have the upper hand.
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE they have history (and allah) on their side
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE that the USA can do nothing
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE that Israel, even if they can earn a tactical victory, will lose a strategic one
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE that this is more proof that the west is not declining but has declined
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE that the Euros are insignificant now.
Iran, Syria and Hizballah BELIEVE that a nuke will be achieved and that nothing will intervene to stop that, and that once this occurs much else becomes possible.

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