
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Why America Will Not Fall to Islam

You gotta hand it to the good ol' boys. They know how to raise the shackles at CAIR.

Qur'an Huntin' with Some Good Ole' Boys

Here's a tasteless video that CAIR considers to be a hate crime. No, it isn't a taped beheading by psychotics shouting 'Allah Akbar' or camera stills of the WTC towers falling… stuff like that doesn't bother CAIR. But this is what they consider serious.


  1. Anonymous

    The word 'tasteless' was used tongue in cheek.

  2. I see that the FBI is investigating. I guess that throwing the bullet-ridden Koran at the mosque got the feds involved.

  3. Loved it. Thanks for providing levity in my day!

  4. Nobody said freedom of expression must be tasteful.


  5. So that's why it's called the 'Holey' Koran (groans)

  6. I agree with Benue. I don't think there were any laws broken, except for possibly harrassment, and disturbing the peace. Let's face it, that's what they were trying to do.

    On the other hand, they were expressing their political views.

    It's really a fine line in this case, so I'm not going to get bent out of shape over it.
