
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Winds of War: The Battle Over the Mind

From The Gathering Storm

Here’s some disturbing news that only supports my contention that this war between two civilizations – the free world and Islam – is not over territory as such, but over men’s minds. In a recent article in the UK Telegraph, the reporter writes that significant numbers of white Britons have been lured into Islamic terrorism, according to a Whitehall report.

“Details of the document, which have emerged in the week before the first anniversary of the July 7 London Tube bombings, also reveal that white converts and other British Muslims are joining a "terrorist career path" after being targeted by radicalist recruiters at universities or by extremist preachers. The report follows calls made by al-Qaeda in April last year for white converts to become suicide bombers because it was easier for them to travel and evade detection before carrying out their attacks.”

The lure of the Islamist agenda attracts not only middle-eastern and Asian converts but has reached into the minds of the white western culture as well. This struggle between a 21st century modern mindset and a 13th century ideology has little to do with what is called the battle over the ‘soul of Islam’. There is a more devious Islamist agenda afoot which this blog tries to expose every day. That is the intimidation, infiltration and disinformation tactics being used surreptitiously and not so surreptitiously against us and seeks to install the Islamist agenda throughout the world.

Daniel Pipes calls it the threat of ‘lawful Islam’.

“Terrorism is one method to advance these projects but it is not the only one. Indeed, the activities of nonviolent Islamists arguably will prove a more effective tactic in the long term. For while the public intuitively understands the threat of terrorism and is mobilized by it, and while states have well-developed institutions (law enforcement, intelligence agencies, the military, the justice system) to protect and fight against it, the activities of nonviolent extremists are not alarming and institutions do not exist to deal with this problem.”

You can view a sample list of these lawful Islamist tactics at his Islamic Watch website. So what do we do about it? The Truth Project blog has some suggestions.

1. Print business cards which contain a web link or two. Leave those cards in public places, such as bus stops, restaurants, malls, grocery stores, etc. (See sample business card below)

2. Contact your public library system. Donate books which tell the unvarnished truth about Islam. Donations are tax deductible!

3. Contact your alma mater to see if you can place books in the institution's library. If you are a member of an alumni association, you might already have an "in" to place materials.

4. Contact private schools in your area to see about the feasibility of placing materials.

5. Review the social studies textbooks used in your school district. If you find errors about Islam in those books, contact the curriculum specialist in your school district, and, using reference materials which tell the truth, specify the errors.

6. Check with your school district to see if textbook changes are in the works. If so, as a resident of that district, you have the right to review the textbooks. Contact the curriculum specialist if you find the books are whitewashing Islam.

7. If you are affiliated with a church, be on the alert for whitewash of Islam. Speak up if your spiritual leader is uneducated as to the truth about Islam.

8. Contact your political representatives and disabuse them of the politically-correct whitewash of Islam. Keep contacting your political representatives.

Above all, don't keep quiet about what you've learned!

Sample Business Card

Don't believe the whitewash of Islam.

Find the truth @

[List a few websites and/or book titles of your own choosing]

Good suggestions. Do them. So far, we’ve been preaching to the choir. Ask you friends about what they know of Islam and you will be troubled by their answers. They are ignorant of what Islam is and has become. We cannot win the struggle against the Islamist until the average Joe gets off the tit of the MSM and opens their eyes to the ‘lawful threat’ and not just the violent threat of terrorism.


  1. Throughout the English-speaking world (and probably elsewhere) there is a massive, well-funded and well-organised program of da'wa (Muslim proselytism) being carried out on college campuses. Try googling for 'Islam awareness week' or 'Islamic awareness week' to see what's going on.

    These taqiyya-fests are ostensibly organised by the college Muslim students' associations, with the objectives of promoting interfaith blah-di-blah. In fact they are slick and professionally-designed promotions aimed at attracting students into Islam, especially freshmen who have yet to establish social ties in their new colleges.

    Like any cult, Islam gives a sense of 'belonging' and totally frees you from those nasty existential questions that cause so much adolescent angst.

    So, is it any wonder that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the West, not just through demographics but through conversion? It's not just the jails we need to watch. The universities are just as vulnerable.

    P.S. I've sometimes wondered what the program for a REAL Islamic awareness week might consist of, though I would guess that anyone who attempted to organise such an event would be in line for a five-star fatwa.

  2. WC,
    Thank you for the mention.

    The Truth Project is an information-only site. We at Truth are open to suggestions and input from those trying to combat the whitewash of Islam. Specifically, we invite book reviews and suggestions for books to list, but other suggestions are welcome too.

  3. I just wanted to say that you all have a really cool blog. I'm going to link to you when I get a chance. Also, you should get one of those chat boxes so people can put general comments.

    How do I go about becoming an 'ally?'

  4. David,
    I'm glad you like our blog. I'll link to you as an ally.

    I agree that we should create a chat forum. I was just thinking that the other day.

    Our tech guy is on vacation. When he comes back I'll talk with him about it.
