
Saturday, August 05, 2006

The chosen people.

From News from Norway.

In today’s Aftenposten, bestselling Norwegian author Jostein Gaarder, demonizes the state of Israel, and claims that the world community are no longer willing to recognizes Israel’s right to exist. He says that the world wouldn’t recognize the apartheid state of South Africa, nor the islamic Taliban, or the ethnic cleansing policy of the Serbs during the Balkans wars.

He says the biblical notion that the Jews are Gods chosen people is preposterous, arrogant and a crime against humanity, and that normal people would call such statements racism. He goes on to say that the worlds patience has run out, and that we don’t believe in divine promises as a justification for occupation and apartheid. We’ve put the middle ages behind us. We laugh at those who say God gave the chosen people funny stone tables, burning bushes and a license to kill. We choose to call baby killers by its proper name, and will never accept any divine excuses to justify their dirty deeds. He goes on to say that any acts of terror are inexcusable, whether they’re committed by the Israelis, hizballah or hamas.

He says that Europe takes full responsibility for the fate of the Jewish people, for the harassment, persecution and the holocaust. He says it was absolutely necessary to give the Jews their own nation, but that the present day Jewish nation, with it’s scrupulous warfare and it’s disgusting weapons, has massacred it’s own legitimacy. It has consistently violated international conventions and UN resolutions and can no longer expect any protection from the world community. It has carpet bombed the worlds trust and recognition, and will not see peace before it lay down it’s weapons.

May the holy spirit and words blow the Israeli apartheid walls away. The state of Israel doesn’t exist anymore. It is without defense and skin. May the world find mercy in it’s people, our prophecies of doom are not aimed at them, but the state of Israel. We wish the people of Israel well, but we choose not to eat the Jaffa oranges as long as they taste of evil and poison.

We don’t believe that the Jews mourned the loss of forty innocent Lebanese children. They Jews have mourned and whined for more than three thousand years, for a forty year stay in the dessert. We’ve seen the Israelis celebrate such events. We’ve seen pictures of young Israeli girls write greetings of hate on Israeli missiles that have been dropped on innocent Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. Young Israeli girls aren’t cute and pretty when they find joy in the misery in the suffering of innocent Lebanese and Palestinians.

We no longer recognize the eye for an eye rhetoric of the state of Israel. We don’t believe in ten thousand Arab eyes for one Israeli eye. We don’t believe in collective punishment. We no longer believe that the empire of David should be a reference for the present day middle east.

We recognize the borders of 1948, but not the ones from 1967. Israel wants more water and villages. In achieving this goal, the chosen people have resorted to the “final solution” of the Palestinian problem.

We don’t recognize the state of Israel, not today. If the state of Israel should fall, and it’s people have to flee from it’s land in another exodus, we say, let your fellow man show you some mercy. It is forever a crime to harm refugees. They are innocent like an animal without protection. Just as vulnerable as the defenseless women of Qana, Gaza, Sabra and Shatila. Give the Israeli refugees food and shelter. Don’t allow a single Israeli child to loose it’s life, too many innocent people have lost their lives already.

I have abbreviated the original text, but the overall message is quite clear. Mr Gaarder doesn’t recognize the state of Israel, and doesn’t care if the arabs drive the jews from the land. Not a very nice guy Mr Gaarder!


  1. I am sure Mr Gaarder is working furiously on the other front - the Islamization of Norway as well. More muslim immigrants, more accomodation. It is striking to me how the secular left is so eager to embrace Islam as their ally in their quest for their socialist utopia. Feeding the crocodile the 'other infidels' expecting to tame that crocodile once it has done their bidding. Little do they know that crocodile will turn on them and eat them in the end.

  2. I HATE the euroweenies!!!!

  3. Mr Gaarder is quite right. The current state of Israel has no moral legitimacy. Linking blood with rights is unacceptable and it is precisely what the Third Reich did. Ein Volk, ein Land, ein Ehud Olmert, seems to the motto of Israel.

  4. Mr Gaarder is a wise man and is luckily not deceived by the ultrabiased media coverage experienced in the US. It is time to step up against war mongering agressors such as the Bush regime and the Israeli government, and defend the victims. Prosperity and growth in Palestine, Libanon and other poor Arab countries is the only way to peace and harmony, and to prevent the uprise of extremism.

  5. It might interest that last Anonymous commenter to know that this is not a Jewish website. I am not a Jew, nor are most of the writers here.

    So, maybe you had better widen your hatred a bit to include other groups as well.

  6. Please.

    I think both sides just makes it worse. Gaarder is a frustrated man. He writes stupid articles, because he writes stupid books. But he really does not hate jews. He just hate war and it makes him furious and even more stupid. We have to excuse him. Mr Gaarder is not the issue.

    The issue is a illigimte war driven by both Hizballah and Israel. In this situation I would say that Israel, as a state and in name no terrorist organization, have the gratest responsibility for not killing children. When you look at the numbers of dead civilians it is obvious that Israel, as a state at war, breaks all possible rules. They have no compashion for the Leebanese people, as they show no compashion for the Palestinians either. And I am talking of the Israelien regime, and not the jewish people. On the other hand, Hizballah is a terror organization, they answer to no autorithy, and they fight without seeking support in their own people. The fact that they gain support at the moment, is only due to the massive attack from Israel. Both Israel and Hizballah is to blame, and before both parties are willing to take responsibility for the crimes they are committing and willing to compromise, we won't see peace.

    There is nothing to gain from yelling at each other, it only creates more hatred. And there is nothing to gain from shooting people dead. The hatred just grows. Why can't people see that?

  7. Erna,
    Hizbollah is one of the major political parties in Lebanon. The coalition that they have formed comprises 26% of the Lebanese Parliament. Therefore, they are a legitimate party, and they do represent the will of the Lebanese people.

    Additionally, Hizbollah is known for using civilians as human shields. They believe that anyone killed in a "Jihad" is a martyr in the eyes of Allah, and is therefore blessed to have died. So, they have no qualms about using even children as human shields. This is, at least, part of the reason so many civilians have died in this conflict.

    The UN has made reports about Hizbollahs use of human shields in their daily UNFIL documents.

    Perhaps, your media has not reported on these facts.

  8. i just thought i should mention this: gaarder did NOT write an article! He wrote whst is called in norwegian a "kronikk", which is way less formal and could be compared to, well, a blogpost...
    So considering that gaarder just tried to explains his FEELINGS towards whats happening in Libanon, his "kronikk" should not, and i repeat this, NOT!! be taken literally and should not be overanalyzed!
