
Sunday, August 06, 2006

The dependable, neutral Reuters - Threat to cut Charles Johnson's throat from Reuters, after fake photos


Worker suspended after telling American blogger: 'I look forward to day when you pigs get your throats cut'
Yaakov Lappin
A Reuters employee has been suspended after sending a death threat to an American blogger.
The message, sent from a Reuters internet account, read: "I look forward to the day when you pigs get your throats cut."
It was sent to Charles Johnson, owner of the Little Green Footballs (LGF) weblog, a popular site which often backs Israel and highlights jihadist terrorist activities.
In the threat, the Reuters staff member, who has not been named, left his email address as "zionistpig" at
Reporting the message to his readers, Johnson wrote on his website: "This particular death threat is a bit different from the run of the mill hate mail we get around here, because an IP lookup on the sender reveals that he/she/it was using an account at none other than Reuters News."

Speaking to Ynetnews, Johnson said: "I was surprised to receive a threat from a Reuters IP, but only because it was so careless of this person to use a traceable work account to do it."

He added: "I think it's more than fair to say that Reuters has a big problem."

No kidding

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  1. I'm pretty sure the death threat was about a month ago, not after these photos.

  2. That's true.

    It is still worth having this post up (with correction). It is a pretty big story that Reuters has effectively covered up the fact that they are employing journalists who make death threats to "Zionists", and the fact that they think that an appropriate punishment is suspension, not firing.

    Badly constructed sentence, sorry.

  3. Charles Johnson is making history for the blogosphere. MSM won't be able to take advantage of a passive readership. Damn good job by LGF!

  4. I have to pop in regularly to DailyKos and HuffPo and the like to find new (make that "old but reformulated") arguments to counter. Such activity does take its toll. Going to LGF right afterwards restores my hopes for humanity and my energy for fighting this fight.

  5. LGF is making it their (his) specialty in exposing Fraud in the Lamestream Media. I'm impressed! LGF sets the bar rather high for the rest of this side of the blog-o-sphere.

  6. Mea Culpa on timing ...that story from Ynet is dated 5/29 but was linked by Drudge as current..never the less my fault on the important detail

  7. Here's the photographers card:

  8. The fake isn't even GOOD ..that means Reuters can't even CARE about being good in being misleading propagandists for murderers.

  9. The fake is horrible! If it takes the opinion of someone like me who has mastered only a few tricks on Photoshop, cloning being one, hell, I could spot that a mile away! For the MSM, who no doubt have others to clean up photos, to even let that through is a good sign that they're slipping fast. Of course, they still call it "The Crisis in the Middle East" and then give the day of fighting. Yeah guys, after you near the month mark, I don't think it's a bloody crisis anymore.
