
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Evil must be duly noted, again and again...

Following up on Pastorius' post and the claim of Libanoscopie that 'Disabled children [were] placed inside building' at Qana, I note that Galliawatch has more. Tiberge translates the argument of a purported French nurse/blogger to speculate that Hezbollah are murdering disabled children for the cameras:
I am a registered nurse, with long years of experience with multiple-handicapped children and with older dependent persons. During the nightly news Sunday night, on TF1 TV, about the young victims of Qana, my attention was drawn to the abnormal posture of a dead child on a stretcher.

This child's arm was turned upward with the hand totally turned down. This posture is typical of the tendon contractions that occur in multiple-handicapped bed-ridden children, or those in a wheel-chair. I examined as best I could the other corpses shown in the report, and I was surprised to note that each one of them had signs of being handicapped (feet turned inward, knee and hand deformities...)
Read the whole thing...


  1. While one can argue that we can never be excessively paraniod, sorry guys but this extreme an explanation 'sounds' like '9/11 was an inside job' ... in degree.

    It took a while for the Al Doura truth to emerge, I am content to wait and see if proofs worm their way out in time, after this is quieted. While Hizballoids would certainly think sending such children on to paradise was not really a crime, somewhere around would be a muslim who was repelled by such murderers (and be petrified) time if such a hideous thing occurred, we would find out.

  2. I too want to avoid any conspiracy theorizing Epaminondas. But the sad thing is we may never know what happened at Qana. The "news" media only arrived on the scene hours after the attack ocurred. And from all the analysis I have seen, not one reporter bothered to even ask the name of this ubiquitious man in the green helmet who just happens to show up whenever a tragedy like this happens.

    Bodies of dead children make news. But the rest of Journalism 101: the who, where, why, when and how seems to be ignored.

    We're also dealing with an enemy that has shown a clear desire to manufacture tragic news. Heck, they are commanded by Allah to kill the infidels and lie, cheat and steal in the process.

    What's perhaps most revealing is that many who found the US government's exhaustive, public investigations of 9/11 are the first to instantly accept the Hezbollah version of events.

    Shortly after 9/11 President Bush said "You're either with us, or you are with the terrorists" and I am dismayed that there are many in the West you seem to side more with the terrorists than those trying to defeat this evil.

    The success of the Qana propaganda means we are likely to see such tragedies again.
