
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Iranian Revolutionary Guards fighting with Hezbollah?

"...Israeli television said early [today] the bodies of Iranian Revolutionary Guards had been found among guerrillas killed in south Lebanon. There was no independent confirmation.

Hizbollah denied that any Iranians were taking part in the fighting alongside its guerrillas.

"Hizbollah categorically denies the lies and claims that the enemy is promoting that Iranian fighters are present in the confrontations with the occupation forces," the Lebanese guerrilla group said in a statement faxed to Reuters..."

Israel will try with everything it has, not to drag Syria into the fight as many have suggested, but to drag Iran and possibly the US into it instead.

Israel has no real strategic value in toppling the Baathist regime in Syria and replacing it with an unstable and insane Shia fundamentalist regime, but it has everything to gain by destroying Iranian nuclear capability before the nuclear umbrella is functional. The only way it can do that is cause Iran to enter the shooting war, or at least implicate it in the present one so it can be shot back at.

Its simple really: Israel cannot accept a nuclear Iran. It has a window of opportunity between now and the US elections in 08: US forces are in theatre, Iran has not yet developed a nuclear umbrella, and Hezbollah has handed Israel the gift of a hot war right smack in the middle of it all.

Has anyone noticed that the US is massing troops in Baghdad and actually increasing hardened-point force in Iraq (supposedly for garrison duty)? And that a US carrier battle group appears to be "missing" somewhere out there?


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