
Thursday, August 03, 2006

O Yeah: Don't Kill Civilians...

Well, no Lebanese civilians that is.

When the building in Qana collapsed after an Israeli (air)strike, we saw the Lebanese Prime Minister Siniora reacting very passionately, he even praised Hizbullah for defending the Lebanese people. Hizbullah cried foul. O, those terrible Israelis, curse them for accidentally killing civilians!

Today, PMW reports:

While the world debates about responsibility for Lebanese civilian casualties, Hezbollah takes unequivocal pride in its responsibility for causing Israeli civilians casualties. Indeed, Hezbollah celebrates its attacks on civilians as restoring "honor". Hezbollah TV, Al Manar, continues to broadcast video clips glorifying Hezbollah attacks on Israeli cities. Scenes showing Israeli civilians being rushed to the Hospitals are accompanied by the words:
"Resist! Explode! Shake! Destroy! Your weapon restores my country's honor."

You can watch the video clips, two of them, at PMW's website.

Now, it's important to remember that Siniora expressed his complete support for Hizbullah. He praised them for 'defending Lebanon'. He didn't make any exceptions in the means they use to fight against Israel.

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