
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Photo Contest at The Jawa Report

I know that there is currently a weekly contest from a site in the Netherlands called a "Photofuck", so now I'm calling every photoshopped thing a photofuck. I think it is my word of the week, at the very least. So now that we can get used to the word photofuck (aww come on, you can do it), I think it's fair to use it in every facet of photo editing. Which brings us straight back to Reuters and their latest experience with photofucks.

In response to this, The Jawa Report is having its own little photofuck festival, though I don't think that they're calling it that....I do get some artistic license though, even if I can't photofuck. But check it out and at least relieve some of the horrid tension that is clouding us lately. The more the merrier I've been told, so feel free to enter if you are inclined at photofucking. I myself, am sadly lacking. But I've heard that if you say "Photofuck" three times in a row at midnight in the mirror, you mysteriously gain certain computer skills. Oh, photofuck, I missed midnight. I'll just have to keep saying it, and get the link to the Dutch contest up later.

For now though, go enjoy the above picture and other photofucks at The Jawa Report. Sorry about the language folks. It's stuck in here and needs to come out. I blame Ahmadinejad. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm supposed to blame Jews, but hey, I AM Neo-con Zionist Jew Bitch Whore after all.


  1. All these bad words are really bothtering me. See my "Jesus" post over at CUANAS:
