
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Reneck Texan Drops A Big Ole' Stink Bomb Of Common Sense Thinking

I am in a very angry mood this week. I look around at our war, and at our political landscape, and I see foolishness masquerading as moral bravery and competence everywhere my eyes fall. So, when the great blogger Redneck Texan comes by and leaves a comment which appears to be a four page spewing of vitriol roughly the equivalent of what I am feeling inside, but lack the will to express (due to my abject disgust), I find it necessary to put it on the front page. (Hope Redneck Texan doesn't mind):

Well it seems perhaps that we may have arrived at a significant juncture in human history does it not? Lots of logic defying sh*t going on at one time. I am trying to figure out how we maneuvered ourselves into a position where, out of 192 nations on the planet, we seem to be standing alone besides Israel while, not its neighboring freely elected governments, but those nation’s citizens are making armed commando raids and launching sustained unguided missiles into Israel’s population centers. Everybody else on the planet, and a very large percentage of our own society seems to be of the opinion that such actions by an armed community supported citizen’s militia is not sufficient cause for the attacked nation to punish that militia’s host nation.

Not only does it seem that the vast majority of our fellow Earthlings do not think the attacked nation should be allowed the necessary time to effectively suppress the area where these rockets are being launched, but they also are of the opinion that the rogue nations, that everybody knows are arming these non-state belligerents, should not be targeted for reprisal.

All this is occurring against the backdrop of a geo-political environment where 3 years after we liberated the oppressed Iraqi people 250,000 of them were grateful enough today to throw a Hezbollah pep-rally and an American flag desecration ceremony in the conquered Capital.

Its one thing when Kerry and Murtha interpret the daily massacres in newly Democratic Iraq as a civil war, its quite another when Abizaid and Pace appear before Congress, looking like deer in the headlights, and admit what the Administration wont…..the obvious. The video I saw on news looked to me like the Legislative branch, who never really declared war, was pointing the finger at the Administration, who never really asked them to, and the Administration was claiming they gave the Military everything they ever asked for, and the Military was pointing the finger at the Iraqi people, whom they were hoping would someday soon decide to put aside millennium of sectarian hatred and act like normal human beings …..not a real positive sign during wartime.

But it’s not really a war, though, is it? Oh, we got Soldiers and Marines in harms way and doing the best they can within the rules of engagement, and they are bagging a handful of bad guys daily, but can you really look at the current state of global terrorism and conclude we are winning the war on terror?

I think we all knew it was going to be a generational effort up front but its looking to me like the next generation is learning more about handling an AK-47, RPG, or IED than they are interested in becoming a beacon of freedom and prosperity to be emulated by their still oppressed brethren in neighboring dictatorships. You can call it an urban guerrilla war if you wish, but these guerrillas have sympathizers in virtually every house in Iraq and enough elected political supporters to keep any political stability at bay.

There is no physical way to form an effective army and police force using the indigenous populace because every Iraqi brave enough to kill elevates sectarian revenge over the stability of the nation. And hell, I don’t blame them for it. We have been asking them to not respond to the massacres of their kinfolk, yet we do not really have an effective plan to make either side stop committing violent acts of provocation against the other.

I want to know where all these brave Shiites were before we invaded to liberate them? Why were they not storming Saddam’s police stations, or ambushing his Army? Perhaps it was because Saddam would collectively punish their tribe if they did, but hey maybe that’s not such a bad idea after all, if the entire tribe is in on the action, or if none of them are willing to turn in the relatives they watch set up an IED in front of their house.

This is a very violent religiously and tribally motivated culture we have unleashed, perhaps they need to exhaust their sectarian hatred before they can seriously prefer to peacefully coexist, and we can best accelerate the process by removing the limitations on their bloodletting we have imposed on them.

But that would mean admitting failure wouldn’t it? Changing course and supporting partition would also mean all our efforts to date were for naught. If we followed the Democrats advice and withdrew, not only would those cowards ride the coattails of defeat into power, but everybody else in the world would forever hold us responsible for “starting” this sectarian bloodletting. And we would lose the political ability and moral high ground to respond to future terrorist attacks on our shores.

I believe this Administration, which I have supported and still do, will never admit failure and voluntarily redeploy to political safety. No Administration would walk away from a war it started, but if the next one comes to power on a platform of retreat, there is no way they are going to keep troops engaged in an Iraq civil war for the duration of their term, when they have the option of making the Bush Administration the scapegoat. Does Somalia ring a bell?

The correct military strategy for this situation is, in my opinion, to reassert our authority among the combative citizens of Democratic Iraq, incorporating the tactics we used in the only successful counter-insurgency we have ever waged, that of the Philippines War, where we cut the insurgents off from their supporters by putting entire regions of the country in concentration camps, and considering every male over the age of 10 and valid target.

But that was a different time, that was back before all civilized nations gathered around a table at a prestigious world body and worked out peaceful solutions to war. And back before we signed on to rules of gentlemanly warfare designed to keep uniformed national armies from harming the civilians located in the war zone.

And even though the people that agreed to create such institutions probably never envisioned a day where those innocent civilians could wage a sustained missile barrage into neighboring states without their host nation’s consent, those rules are etched in stone regardless their applicity to the current global struggle against an evil non-state entity with large popular support.

We can't escalate, and we can't retreat, and we cant defend ourselves with the same gusto we are being attacked with. The paradox of civility.

Oh, and don't look now, but there's another billion anti-American socialists on our landmass and their movement is bumping up against our porous, unprotected southern border, while a large percentage of our populace sympathizes with their socialist ideology. A large enough percentage to keep us from effectively reversing the advance.

Why do 90% of our fellow human occupants of this planet see every issue from the opposite perspective than we do?

Why are the US and Israel the only two nations to consider Hezbollah and Hamas terrorist groups?

Why do most nations appear to think that Iran has done nothing to deserve to have their right of nuclear technology denied to them?

Why do most people think Israel should subject itself to perpetual attacks?

They're all wrong and we are right.....right?


  1. Yeah, you're right. Jeez, I've been so angry, I haven't even been thinking about sex.

    That's a friggin' tragedy.

  2. RT has nailed it, for certain. It's nearly exactly how I feel and the frustrations we all have.

    The world has gone insane.

    on a brighter note, my nomination for infidel babe of the week. Snowboarder, skateboarder, wakeboarder. Thong model and all around American girl.

  3. RT, you got it perfectly.
    Just one thing will save us and only one thing: if/when the islamonuts detonate a nuke. That oughta be loud enough to wake the West up.

  4. KG is thinking along the same lines as me. It would be a shame if it would such a tragedy to wake us the fuck up.

  5. Yeah, I been thinking about that inevitable day too KG.

    I used to think that that would be the catalyst for final conflict resolution, but I am starting to have doubts that even losing several cities or ports would be enough for the gloves to come all the way off.

    It really hinges on the delivery system, and whether or not we can trace the trajectory back to a point of origin, within the short window of national bloodlust that would allow us to use our full arsenal of weapons systems.

    Lets say we wake up tomorrow to news that a dirty bomb has gone off in Manhattan or DC.....what coordinates do we vaporize in reply? How long do we investigate before we reciprocate?

    If we could not determine the source what would we do? Saturate the Middle Eastern population centers? Target Islamic holy sites?

    Not us man.....we take the high road even when its lined with IEDs.

    Our political leadership when that day comes will have to respond in some way, and they MIGHT light up some known WMD sites in Iran and Pakistan....but I doubt it.

    Hell it could just as likely be a black market Russian device....we gonna target Russia over the loss of one or a couple cities...I don't think so.

    We'll have a peek into our decision making process soon when North Korea eventually launches a missile at us that is on a trajectory to possibly hit Hawaii, Alaska, or the west Coast. How will we respond while their bird is in the air? Will we assume its Nuclear tipped, and launch our ICBMs before theirs impact, like we planned to do to the USSR during the cold war, or will we refrain from pulling that trigger until theirs impact and we can determine the nature of the payload? With North Korea's history of starting wars with surprise attacks, that would be too late. Or lets say NK launched a barrage of missiles towards us, and we shoot all of them down over the do we respond, conventionally or Nuclear? Or do we even respond if none of them actually impact American soil? Would we still have that hallowed moral high ground if we destroyed North Korea after we proved our missile defense shield worked. That would not be fair in the eyes of our enemies and allies at the UN, and you know how much we go out of our way to fight fair....even when our enemy isn't.

    I just don't know if there is any catalyst, possibly including a confirmed threat to our survival, that would finally give us a green light to reciprocate in kind in the war of extermination our enemies are waging against us.

    But I do think its inevitable that we will find out before this century is over. The nuclear genie is out of the bottle and inferior cultures are finally getting theirs hands on stolen 1940s western technology. There is nothing in the history of mankind to suggest that these weapons will never find their way to the battlefield, its just a matter of time.

    Have a nice day.

  6. All in a nutshell.Great article and very scary.

  7. RT, your analysis seems pretty much (depressingly) spot-on.
    A nuclear reply may not be possible, due in part to the growing disconnect between what the "man in the street" regards as justice and what the politicians in Western countries are prepared to do.
    But a civil war in Western countries would be very likely, probably sparked by the violent reaction of people in those countries against muslims living there.
    Would the army, in countries such as the U.S., Britain and Australia move against their own people to restore order? And would they be effective if they did?
    A retaliatory strike may be the lesser of two evils in that case.

  8. Great lines RT.

    It amazes me to seee the insanity, and complete moral decadence ..the total failure to observe, conclude, and act.

    Hope for something like Mccain or Rudy or
    Newt who then get a clue and pick Lieberman for VP..

    As for retaliation, as is obvious from the scurrying around over Lebanon, we have no plan. The Bush Admin has had several LARGE failures to admit to in the realm of national security and their best excuse is that the dems are FAR WORSE. We need a Kennedyesque statement that if an attack comes again and as he said in 1962 lands in the USA we will interpret it as an attack by XXX on the USA.

    Cmon - the black hats in Qom, the eye guy in Damascus, the Ikhwan of Hassan Bana in Cairo, the Al Sheiks of Mecca and Medina .... the morons in the Pak NW territories ... PICK any two for retaliation. One Sunni, one Shia. Then at least we take some players off the board, BIG TIME. But Bush 2.0 will never do it.

    McCain or Newt might. Rudy might. If it goes the other way, I'm sure Khameni et al will say something stupid about a woman ruling america. Nomatter how repulsive she is, if Hillary gets a hair across her ass, it might be amusing as she takes everything Bill gave her and takes it out on the Hojatieh.

  9. If Hilary is elected President I think the world will be surprised by how much of a hair trigger she has. I think it may not be long before we had nuclear war on our hands, if Hilary were to become President. All that stuff about Bill Clinton having no real sense of values? I think that's all really true of Hilary. I believe she is a very dangerous human being. And while a nuclear retaliation may be appropriate in many of the situations we will soon be facing, I wouldn't trust Hilary to make those decisions responsibly.

    But that's another subject.

    KG and RT, if we were attacked and our government did not respond, I do believe it would lead to civil war. In fact, that is exactly what I believe lies in store for the future of Europe. I hadn't really considered the prospect that our government would not respond appropriately.

    It makes me sick to think about that. I hope you guys are wrong in your doubts.

  10. I foud RT's article and the comments it generated here very timlely.

    Starting this Monday, I will be running a 5 part scenario on the Gathering Storm of how World War III would occur. Over the last several months, the bloggosphere has contained many articles on what I call the Winds of War. I started thinking about how the coming world war would play out if we took these random opinions and news items and stitched them together portraying one scenario of how World War III could begin and unfold. So, drop in on the Gathering Storm next week and see what you think of my speculations.
