
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Stop Believing The Good Cop/Bad Cop Sham

There has been a lot of controversy over the past week or so about how the European nations, and the United Nations do not seem to be able to gather together the moral clarity to declare Hizbollah a terrorist organization. It is appropriate that we criticize the EU and the UN for inability to recognize evil when they see it.

However, I am going to say something controversial here:

Hizbollah is not a terrorist organization.

Yes, I repeat, Hizbollah is not a terrorist organization. Instead, they are duly elected representatives of the Lebanese people. They have twenty percent of the seats in the Lebanese parliament, and, as such, they are one of the biggest players in the Lebanese government.

Now, what do we call the representative armed forces of a nation?

We call them the Army.

Hizbollah is the army of the nation of Lebanon.

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

All this crap about Lebanon not having the strength to fend off an armed militia within their midst is just so much obfucksation (oops, I spelled that wrong, sorry). It is a good cop/bad cop game. And, many almost all Muslim nations are playing the same game with us.

We must stop falling for it.

  • In Sudan, the Arab government says they are unable to control the Janjaweed militias.
  • In Palestinian territories, the government says they are unable to control the "armed-wings" of Hamas and Fatah.
  • In Saudi Arabia, the government says they can't stop the funding of anti-American madrassas, and they say they can't stop the distribution of schoolbooks which call for death to Jews and Infidels.
  • In Pakistan, the government says they have no control over the fact that Al Qaeda is operating on their border region.
  • In Syria, the government says they can not control the forces that killed Lebanese President Hariri.
  • In Indonesia and Malaysia, the governments tell us they can not control the militias who kill Christians and Buddhists within their midst, nor can they control their own court systems who allowed the mastermind of the Bali bombing (which killed over 200 people) to go free.

Do you see the pattern here?

Legend has it that when corrupt police want to get something out of an uncooperative criminal, they will play good cop/bad cop with him. The good cop will talk reasonably with the criminal, and when he doesn't respond, the good cop will leave the room, the bad cop will come in and start knocking the guy around. Then the bad cop will leave, the good cop will come back in, and resume talking in a calm rational manner.

Rinse and repeat as necessary.

This is what the Muslim nations of this world are doing to us. We must stop falling for it.

We need to put the Muslim nations of the world on notice that from now on they will be held to account for any evil which emanates from any of their countries, no matter how much plausible deniability is built in. They need to grow up and take responsibility for what goes on within their borders, because if they don't, our response will be to accept any bad behavior as the official actions of their state, and we will respond accordingly.

How long until we start making sense like this?


  1. ".... our response will be to accept any bad behavior as the official actions of their state, and we will respond accordingly."
    Which-if memory serves me-is precisely what George Bush promised.
    This administration has fallen for the Stae Department's "nuanced" approach instead.

  2. Good point, KG, about that being exactly what Bush had promised in the beginning. Man, he has really let us down. Even more than that, though, he has ignored the ideals of America, and in doing so, he has fouled us as a nation.

  3. You think we are criminals? :-))
    But OK we are to the islamists just by being infidels.

  4. great post.


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Bush is not a big, spending liberal. (Why do some people feel the need to type in all caps?) Bush governs like the French right-wing. He inhabits the world of De Gaulle or Giscard d'Estaing, where foreign immigrants hostile to our values are somehow going to improve the nations and where big government building programs reflect the glory of the state. Of course, Bush's New Orleans will be a joke compared to Paris before New Orleans floods again due to the rise in sea level we expect from global warming. How did it come to pass we imported the policies of the French right-wing, the policies of the most stupid right-wing to ever exist?

  7. Demosthenes,
    You gotta be careful when you argue with Reliapundi. He's been known to give people lobotomies without using surgical instruments.

    Actually, having once made the same mistake in reasoning that you did, I look forward to observing the process once again.

  8. bush is not a smal government potus.

    he has incresed spending. on many thinbgs the feds shiould have nothing to do wioth - like education.

    and like fuel cells.

    he is a pushover for the illegal mexican immigrants.

    he tried to put that lady on the scotus.

    is is nopt hitting thr eemy as hard as fdr woulda or as hard as truman wouil;da.

    heck: even lbj fought the vietcong harder.

    bush is good in many many ways.
    he is pro-life.
    he is a hawk.
    he has cut taxes.

    and he is - sadly - the best around.

    i agree with the ancoress that bush has givernemed the way he ran - he ran as a compassionate conservative. who would spend more and be soft on immigration.

    bush changed on 9/11.

    he is a 9/12 man.

    50% of the dems are in 9/10 lalaland.

    and most of the gop is too weak to withstand the daily MSM/lefgt-wing onslaught. and absorb the awful wieght of war-making and thwe enormous poain of sending soldiers into battle - no matter hoiw noble the cause.

    so dopn;pt get me wrong: i support bush.

    i just wish he'da cut spending and kept outta the energy sector - and let the market forces do what needs to be done.

    and he is too weak on so-called global warming.

    he failed to get anwr passed.
    he freaking signed campaign finance reform!

    he failed to get a lot done - like privatization of soc sec. and mediucare/medicaid - and he didn't pass MSA's/HSA's.

    soc sec and medicare are 2 ponzi schemes which should be undone.

    gwb = liberal hawk - like mccain. just on different issues. mccain is more of a liberal.
