
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Storm Track Appeasement: UK Dithers While Jihadists Plan

From The Gathering Storm

Britain faces a severe risk of another terrorist attack, the UK Home Office and the domestic spy agency MI5 said as it launched the country's first public terror alert system modeled on the US Department of Homeland Security.

The response from the PC side of the government?

  • “The Court of Appeal refused to allow the government to appeal against a High Court ruling that threw out "control orders" -- enacted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to put terrorism suspects under partial house arrest. The ruling came on the day the government unveiled a new security alert system which said Britain was at "severe" risk of a terrorist attack, its second highest level of threat. Blair rushed the control orders through parliament after courts threw out emergency post-September 11 powers to jail foreign terrorism suspects indefinitely.”

Did Blair want to incarcerate suspected terrorists without trial? Nope. His order that “amounted to a deprivation of liberty” was the physical restriction that confined each respondent to a small flat for 18 hours a day.

How brutal! Will the cruel and unusual fascist tactics of a nation’s leader who wants to prevent and attack on his country ever cease?

The jihadists are laughing up their sleeves on the contortions that the free democracies are being forced into to protect their nation’s citizens. They know the weak knead appeasers who equate freedom with license will give them wide leeway to plan their attacks knowing that they will not be disturbed until after the fact.

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