
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: The Islamic Plan of Domination Unfolds

From The Gathering Storm

During the 1930s the Nazis perfected the tactic of infiltrating the nations they planned to conquer by sowing lies, confusion and political unrest. It worked perfectly as one European country after another, confused and disoriented by the propaganda and “Fifth Column” elements in the targeted nation’s media, schools and political organizations, feel easily into quickly into the hands of the Nazis like the low countries and France, and some without a fight like Austria and Czechoslovakia. Even in America, many feared the presence of a German Fifth Column before World War II. The most visible organization of infiltration was the German-American Bund.

The Nazis were genius at the art of exploiting the weakness of their intended targets. The Corvinius Library of Hungarian History writes that resistance to the Nazis infiltration tactics was weak through free Europe’s disunity and perplexed by the appeasement action of Western diplomacy. In addition, the free nation’s social ills and national strife were skillfully exploited by Nazi diplomacy and propaganda.

Militant Islam has been very successful today infiltrating the free democracies. To a large extent, Muslims who immigrate to non-Muslim countries do not assimilate. And encouraged by many of the countries they emigrate to who hold high the scared banner of cultural diversity, Muslims feel no need to assimilate into their guest countries society. Even to the effect of setting up separate enclaves where even the police of the guest countries are afraid to enter.

And what about the Nazi use of infiltration. Does it apply here?

Is there a “Fifth Column” operating freely in the free democracies, one that sows the seeds of doubt, confusion and even outright lies? We only need to look at the main stream media, our educational institutions and the ‘loyal’ political opposition of today for the answer.

Let’s take a peek into the Islamic playbook that describes how Islam will conquer America (reported here and reprinted from Truth in Crisis). First, #9 on the list.

#9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:
a. Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961)
b. No birth control whatsoever – every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.
c. Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then divorce them and remarry every five years – since one cannot have the Muslim legal permission to marry four at one time. This is a legal solution in America.

Is it working?

The Asian Tribune reports that this strategy of demographic domination will turn Russia into an Islamic state by 2050. “According to Paul Goble, a specialist on ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation has predicted that within the next several decades, Russia will become a Muslim majority state……President Vladimir Putin has called already for Russian women to have more children, because demographers predict that Russia’s population will fall from 143 million to 100 million by 2050…..The Muslim population growth rate since 1989 is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on ethnic groups. Today Russia has about 8,000 mosques while 15 years there were only 300 mosques. According to statistics, by the end of 2015, number of mosques in Russia will cross 25,000….Main reason behind fast decline in non-Muslim population in Russia is, particularly larger section of young females in the country is not in favor of having even any child. If someone has, that is also limited within one only. On the other hand, almost all the Muslim couples have at least three children. The number generally ranges between 3-5.”

“He said, not only the number of Muslim population in Russia is on fast growth because the Muslim women have more than one child, but in recent years, a large number of Islamist NGOs are actively working in the country, which are playing desperate role in having very large number of newly converts in Islam from other religion. He further said, especially the atheist groups are gradually getting inclined towards Islam because of extensive propaganda and activities of the Islamist NGOs…..Highly educated scholars are engaged in giving sermons in mosques and other public places on a regular basis, which is putting tremendous impact on the minds of the people, especially the younger generation. These Islamic clerics are even with suits and clean shaven face. They speak different languages fluently, which is a very strong point for them to attract the attention of already educated Russian people, who are in serious economic and social distress. “

“A senior journalist with Russian Interfax news agency told Blitz Afro-Arab sources are putting millions of dollars behind Islamist NGOs in Russia. In near future, quite a number of important seats in Russian parliament will also go into the hands of Muslim leaders. He said, in Russian press clubs, number of Muslim journalists is increasing steadily. He said, millions of dollars are spent for building mosques and Islamist institutions in different parts of Moscow and other parts in Russia. The Islamist NGOs even operate orphanages, where children from various religions are adopted and later converted to Islam.”

So much for Russia - but the same strategy is being used by Islam allover Europe to the extent that Europe is now being referred to as Eurabia.

Now let’s look at the US and #11 and #17 on the list.

#11. Provide very sizeable monetary Muslim grants to colleges and universities in America to establish “Centers for Islamic studies” with Muslim directors to promote Islam in higher education institutions.

#17. Raise interest in Islam on America’s campuses by insisting that freshman take at least one course on Islam. Be sure that the writer is a bonafide American, Christian, scholarly and able to cover up the violence in the Quran and express the peaceful, spiritual and religious aspect only.

IsraPundit reported recently that “the infestation of American universities by Muslim student associations is becoming a burning issue as these organizations act as fifth columns and fronts for Islamofascist extremists and perhaps actual terrorists. Multiple incidents during the past six months show that these organizations should be watched very carefully– perhaps even by Homeland Security– and alumni should consider selective boycotts of programs that support these organizations and their agendas.”

“We recall very distinctly that the Students for Justice in Palestine at Georgetown University hosted an anti-Israel divestment conference at that university, which seems to be under the influence of the Saudi terror supporter Al-Waleed bin Talal. bin Talal gave Georgetown $20 million for a Muslim studies center to “promote Christian-Muslim understanding.” We can think of no conceivable mission for this institution other than to function as a jihadist propaganda center because bin Talal also boasted during an interview, “There are no Christians in Saudi Arabia.””

Quoted in the piece was Abdel Malik Ali who said, “There will be some poop-butts who will not want to live under sharia law and will leave.”

The piece goes on to say, “The most immediate problem, though, seems to be the Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine. It is quite clear, as shown by its list of distinguished guests, that it is an Islamofascist fifth column and a possible security risk to the United States. UC alumni should consider a selective boycott in which they cut off all donations to the University of California that might be directed to the Muslim Student Union. We are also aware that about 20 Saudi Arabian students have enrolled at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre PA. As reported by Dhimmi Watch.”

The Islamic plan for world domination unfolds, and worst of all, those who see it and reveal it are immediately shouted down – or worse – by the politically correct crowd that is selling our civilization down the river.

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