
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Storm Track Infiltration: Multiculturalism Run Amuck

From The Gathering Storm

Are there any depths that the PC and multicultural crowd will sink to destroy the Judeo-Christian culture of western civilization?

I guess not.

The Times Online reported a couple of days ago that schools in the UK would no longer be required to teach children the difference between right and wrong under plans to revise the National Curriculum. In addition, the existing curriculum, that required students to acquire the "ability to relate to others and work for the common good" is also being replaced. The new version drops all reference to "the common good". Also, the requirement to teach Britain's cultural heritage will also be removed.

No, this is not a joke. The UK is serious.

“Under a new wording that reflects a world of relative rather than absolute values, teachers would be asked to encourage pupils to develop “secure values and beliefs”.

That’s right. No absolutes. Everything is relative. All views, all actions, all beliefs are morally equivalent. The multicultural decent into the moral cesspool continues. And as I said before, a culture that will not honor itself and seeks to embrace all sides can not take a stand on any side. It can not tale a stand on what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s dangerous to its survival and what is not, and is a sitting duck for any culture that has absolute conviction of their values.

And what the hell are ‘secure’ values and beliefs, anyway? More PC multicultural doubletalk? The article goes on.

“The draft also purges references to promoting leadership skills and deletes the requirement to teach children about Britain’s cultural heritage. Ministers have asked for the curriculum’s aims to be slimmed down to give schools more flexibility in the way they teach pupils aged 11 to 14.”

Utter madness. Britain is sending its history, culture, morals and values to the trash heap. But this recent self-loathing is only the tip of a cold hard iceberg of PC and multicultural crimes against our civilization.

In a recent post at The Global War On You Know Who, the blogger calls the Political Correct loathing of our way of life a Decent into Tyranny. He makes a good point.

“Once upon a time, bad manners were discouraged by something called "morality," and enforcement mechanisms included such things as shame, guilt, remorse, and embarrassment. Natural human tendencies toward rudeness were once curbed by a moral code, shared by families, friends, and communities; nasty behavior was not a legal issue, but a moral one. Morality has been replaced by a bottomless pit of laws, regulations, committees, investigations, and proceedings, wrapping individuals in a cocoon of paralyzing red tape. To avoid getting caught in the web, individuals increasingly self-censor, consciously checking who they talk to, what they say, and where they say it. Behaving morally is far less confining -- and by reducing the need for the exercise of state power, morality functions an essential guarantor of individual freedom. Without it, the seeds of tyranny sprout.

So what happened?

“The old enforcement mechanisms have been drummed out of public life as antiquated relics of an uncivilized era, so new ones have taken their place. They now include self-censorship, fear of vexatious lawsuits, and to an increasing degree, fear of threats, harassment, and in some cases, fines and prison.”

And what are those old self-enforcement mechanisms? I call them the 3Cs of our common human values - Common Courtesy, Common Decency, and Common Sense – which have become so less common that only a shred of them exist today.

The 3Cs are not unique to any one philosophy, religion, culture, or ethnic group. These common human values transcend religious, political and social institutions. They have no need of validation from those institutions nor do they need to be legislated into existence. These values are timeless and are the lubricant that greases the wheels of our day-to-day social interactions no matter what culture you come from.

And they are practiced by individuals and can not legislated into existence.

It’s time we re-embrace those common human values and not depend on the Political Correct and multiculturalists to dictate and legislate into existence their version of what values humanity should embrace – a version that will lead towards tyranny.


  1. Psssst: "decent" is spelled "descent".

  2. There are just so many things wrong in the UK today, it just doesn't manage to startle me anymore. The American Spectator reported a few months ago that the authorities were even persecuting people who acted in self-defense. They may be the scariest place you could be living in around Europe.
